I have always had a multicopter (450-size quad) for testing of a lot of different controllers and other hardware.
A few years ago I tested very aggressive in Stabilize-mode flying in 5-6 m/s winds on higher altitude trying to se if it flips when changing directions, stopping fast and other insane moves without my own reactions to keep it level. I got it to flip a few times and every time it went stable… up side down. I rolled it back quickly because it didnt try to get it back by it self. Well, last time i planted it upside down in the dirt with a modest thump.
It was on an APM 2.6 (when Pixhawk just came out) and the version of APM:Copter I dont remember.
How does this work today? What happens? Does it get that “I am upside down and have to rotate back”?
I am wondering what happens if the wind is too strong with the 7+ kgs Vulcans (Pixhawk 2.1) I build novadays. They fly very well in 10 m/s, sometimes more, but the motors works a lot (Autotuned setup). But what happens if the motors cant keep it suddenly in a gust?