What could be the problem when high speed yaw cause spiral

What would be a likely cause when i fly with acro mode. Doing a high speed forward and then do a high speed yaw turn it just turn uncontrollably and loss of power and crash?

I thought its compass issue, fixed it doesn’t work.
Remove compass, still the same?
Maybe wire too thin? Replace thicker wires. Still the same?
Autotune my yaw, still the same.

Why could this happen?

Acro doesn’t need compass.

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Check the logs for motor saturating at the max PWM value. (RCOU.Cx message in the logs)
Demanding very high yaw rate during high-speed cruise may make the motors run at full throttle leading to loss of the motors ability to stabilize the roll and pitch axis.

Try limiting the maximum demanded yaw rate: ACRO_Y_RATE
Also considering tweaking other ACRO_Y_x params.


Problem is when I do auto mode it also had the same problem when flying a distance and yaw it will spiral out of control.

I suspect the battery discharge rate is too low causing esc to lock up due to not enough power to motor? Maybe I should try what you mentioned.

Maybe I had mess up my yaw during autotuning. Maybe you are right. Will test more tomorrow.

Post the .bin log file otherwise everything here is just a guess.

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Please help me have a look. Been trying to figure what’s wrong. Can’t figure.https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjRAfK6FePu2nWaGPo_HM733vdmA?e=6XvcQF

Yup, you hit motor saturation a few times. So you might be hitting limits for what the quad can do, but I don’t think that was the cause of the crash.

I think motor/esc 3 failed or some how stopped producing enough power. The current doesn’t match what it should as motor 3 goes to full, compared to when the other motors do the same.

Check the wiring to #3, the ESC, the motor itself, the prop nut. The crash wasn’t the result of a tune issue, it was likely a hardware failure or limitation.

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Thanks bro… You are really good.

Hi Allister,

I did some more test, what you said the other time is correct one of the wire seems to be off, which I soldered. but still face similar problem with the spiraling when pushing my joysticks… I am trying to learn to read these logs.
I interference and the placement of my FC in a stack is a cause of these.
First image is done with a GNSS/Compass.
Second Image I removed the compass. but the imu seems to react badly.

Could this be true that the cause of the spiraling also comes from intereferance?

type or paste code here

The compass is a mess.

I just ran the log through magfit at got these:


Give that a try and see how it does. Don’t remove the compass unless you re-configure for that, and that involves some other hardware so it’s not a quick solution.


Thanks its all working well now.

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