Hats off to you Tridge!!
Never realized samba was your work!
Thanks a lot for sharing your work with the world… #respect
Congrats Tridge, I hope few people are like you, big scientist and bigger person Thanks for allow Us to enjoy this great hobby
Fantastic Tridge, well deserved!
Just one step away from Sir Tridge
Amazing work, congratulations!
Congratulations Tridge
Well done Tridge as we all know you on here,you justly deserve that,I hope you had a nice celibration drink and had fun with your friends
Congrats, indeed!
Crazy to think that years before I knew you through my Solo & ArduPilot hardware, you were benefitting my life through Samba and RSYNC on Linux and OS/2!
Very nice to re-meet you, and learn more about your various accomplishments and wide-ranging contributions!
Congratulations. Thank you for all your work.
Outstanding! Congratulations Tridge
Bravo. Jolly good show.
Congrats !
And please reuse this costume in the next “find joe” challenge!
Dear Tridge,
This is the kind of reward you 1000% deserve to get. Your dedication, devotion and passion for this hobby enables us to fly, enjoy and use the software you created and helped to create.
Finally, the many hours you have spent and all the work you done for this project are being recognised and rewarded.
We would like to thank you for everything you did. Listening to our stupid questions (I only speak for myself of course) , improving the software, analysing the flight logs, an endless job but now with a great result.
We hope you will continue with the same spirit for as long as possible.
Thank you so much and many congratulations.
I will add my congratulations to this. Only really just getting involved here more seriously recently but love seeing the amount of Aussie contribution to such an important project!
Great job!!!
Keep doing it.
I found ardupilot is great project
Most justly deserved.
Glad your finally getting the recognition you deserve.
I think he would be an awesome mage in the Witcher TV adaptation.
Congratulations and many thanks Tridge. You deserve this and far more!
Congratulations Andrew …
As an aussie, I have been impressed by the contributions from fellow aussies on this project, yourself in particular!