Welcome to the ArduPilot discussion forum for GSoC 2018. We are really looking forward to working with the students who will be selected to make great improvements to ArduPilot.
The development team includes some experienced mentors who helped past students make great contributions including SmartRTL which is one of ArduPilot’s most popular features. We’re hoping we can do as well or better this year!
To help you get started:
The suggested projects lists is here. This a list of our ideas of what would be good to work on we are open to other suggestions you make in your application.
(https://gitter.im/ArduPilot/GSoC) - ArduPilot user wiki and dev wiki
- mentors will respond to your posts in this GSoC channel or if you have more general questions, contact the mentors on our GSoC gitter channel
Please note that there are likely to be more students applying than we will have places allocated by Google, so make sure you make your application is a good one. We are looking for:
- Enthusiasm for your chosen project
- Experience with the tools you will need to complete the project (eg. demonstrated ability in the relevant programming language or environment)
- Details of past open source projects you have contributed to
- Information on how you would approach the project, what time you can put into it and what you think you can achieve over the GSoC period
Please feel free to post your ideas in this GSoC channel or if you have more general questions, contact the mentors on our GSoC gitter channel