Weird motor behaviour while doing motor test's

Nothing wrong with re-factoring the motor outputs to set proper order.

Ok I just now tried these params, but I am still facing the same issue there is no escrpm data for 1 particular motor but there is chout data for that one.
But that motor spins correctly in motor test tab.
june8_bd2.param (21.4 KB)

Sorry i didnt understand did i do something wrong is changing servo*_function param

Are you referencing this wiring diagram?
If yes, your S1 (M1) should map to servo3/1 (35), S3 (M3) map to servo 1/3, 33, am I wrong?

No, you can re-factor the outputs anyway that’s required such that they run in the right order in Motor Test. Manufacturers don’t adhere to a standard and users can orient the ESC anyway they want sometimes requiring a change from the defined orders.

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yeah but it depends on how your motors are spinning my logic was to change it in params to get correct order of motor rotation in motor sequence test if i am not getting it i just change the servo_function param accordingly.

Yeah so I can confirm that with the params I posted my motors are spining in order in correct direction in motor sequence test. since here only 1 motor spins at one time all motors are spinning correctly.
but the moment i do test all motors 1 motor stops.

Hope you really get it correctly.

I can confirm you on that part, but even if I am wrong in getting my motor nos., it shouldn’t be a problem to getting all motors spinning at once instead of each spinning when tested independently.

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MOT_PWM_TYPE,8 (PWMRange), maybe this is not supported by the ESC and /or MOT_PWM_MAX,2000
MOT_PWM_MIN,1000, SERVO_BLH_MASK are not set correctly.

Sorry I was out on a vacation so couldn’t work on this much but i did try all these and i am not able to find the reasons when i use a higher kv motors I didn’t found this issue maybe it might be somehow related to me running it with only 2s whereas the motors are rated for 4s

Input Volts: 3~6 S

Ha will try to do a bench setup and get a conclusion on this.
But had a general question if instead of a bdshot capable ESC if i am using a normal blheli_s esc should i use the same bdshot capable firmware or normal one. And how does bdshot firmware effect the normal firmware?
like if i use a bdshot firmware without bdshot esc what will be the effects

My knowledge is there are “analog” and digital ESC.

Analog ESC needs calibration with flight controller.
Digital (DShot) ESC does not need calibration.

They are different in ESC protocol.

oh ok but if I am not wrong, we do have dshot motor outputs in normal firmware also, right?
and does it mean for any 4in1 esc I have to use bdshot capable firmware only.

You don’t need to switch to a non-bdshot firmware to use BLHeli_S ESCs, the signal from the FC to the ESC is the same in both versions. And yes, non-bdshot firmware also has dshot outputs.

The only and quite small advantage of switching is that it’s using a bit less memory and a bit less calculation power in the CPU.

If you have blheli_s ESC’s you should flash Bluejay firmware to them and configure Arducopter for Bdshot.

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The present ESC I am using doesn’t have the bdshot capability and even the manufacturer didn’t mention about bluejay so I think the esc I am using will not support it.

What ESC? Add I would not assume it’s not supported by Bluejay.

Its skystar KO40 40A ESC ( & 35A 2-5S BLHELI_S 4 in 1 ESC.
I tried the test with both the esc which only said Blheli_s and has a 7pin jst connector on board (C,1,2,3,4,Vbat, -)

So are you using a Skystars F411 flight controller?

do you think maybe you need a H7 Skystars flight controller?

Skystars H7 HD PWM Output

It said.
FRAME_CLASS = 1 (Quad)
FRAME_TYPE = 12 (BetaFlightX)

I am only using that SkyStar ESC but FC I am using Matek H743 mini.

can you please recheck it is showing
FRAME_TYPE = 1 (QuadX) to me.