I need to set up a waypoint flight plan with Mission Planner (to fly a copter), which will be using terrain data derived from a rangefinder.
Due to the nature of the missions, some of the waypoints need to be very close to the ground, AGL of less than a meter.
So I entered 0.3 meters into the “Alt” column of Mission Planner and saved the WP file. Looking at the resulting file in a text editor, I saw that the save process had changed the altitude for this waypoint to 3 meters instead of 0.3m…
Q1: Can I create a WP flight plan using fractions of a meter for the altitude?
Alternatively, in case this is not possible with Mission Planner as it simply can’t accept fractional entries, I could also envision directly/ manually editing the WP text file to, say, 0.3 m.
My questions in this case are:
Q2: Will the Pixhawk 2.1 (running the latest firmware) accurately accept a flight plan written/ uploaded as a text file an entry of “fractional meter” values?
(In case this is also not possible, a workaround comes to mind:)
Q3: Can I fake-offset a parameter to arrive at the “whole meter” values I need? I.e. to arrive at a (possibly necessary minimum) altitude of 1m, I would add 70cm to the actual mounting height of the range finder of 30 cm above ground)
Two parameters come to mind:
- RNGFND_GNDCLEAR (Distance (in cm) from the range finder to the ground)
- RNGFND_POS_Z: Z position offset
Z position of the first rangefinder in body frame. Positive Z is down from the origin. Use the zero range datum point if supplied.
Q4: Which one should I use to achieve the desired result (in case this workaround is needed)?
Q5: And lastly - will fake-offsetting this have a negative impact on Landing or Autolanding - as I would effectively be landing “below” the ground?
Thanks in advance for your competent insights on how to best solve this.