Waypoint Navigation

I have a drone equipped with Ardupilot, and I would like to implement a functionality where the drone can navigate through waypoints autonomously. However, in addition to the navigation, I want to be able to trigger a servo when the drone reaches Waypoint number 2. Can you provide detailed guidance on how to achieve this with Ardupilot?

You don’t have to “implement” anything. Ardupilot is made primarily for autonomous waypoint navigation. As for your question: Create your flight path as usual. Add an extra mission element. Place it as the next waypoint to the one you want to trigger the servo at. Change the mission element type of this newly added element to “DO_SET_SERVO”. The first argument is the servo number and the second one is the PWM you’d like to set it to.

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Thank you for the details I will try and let you know :slightly_smiling_face:

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