Walksnail Avatar no OSD on Cube Orange

Hi All,

I have a Walksnail Avatar VTX on my MaTek H743-Wing running the current version of Arduplane and the OSD works flawlessly, if I put it on a Cube Orange or Cube Orange+ mounted on a standard carrier board and on a Airbot Mini Carrier Board PRO I get no OSD I have tried it with Arducopter and Arduplane firmware and still get nothing So it leads me to believe that it may be the Cube orange, I am using the same OSD settings that worked on the H743-Wing. has anyone gotten it to work on the Cube orange? if so how did you do it?

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Its either that you need to enable the OSD support or that it needs to be built in. Cube does not have native OSD and so some stuff may not get built in by default.

oh, Ok. I thought it was added in with the newer firmware

Avatar does not require any built-in OSD. Just configure the UART to which the Avatar is connected to work as a Display port. See MSP/Displayport documentation.

Hi Helmet i also a Matek h743 board and walksnail avatar vtx but i can’t see the osd.How should i do the configuration?i’m using Arduplane 4.1.and i connected rx-tx to serial 1 rx7-tx7.Thank You.

Pretty sure 4.1 is too old - use 4.4.

Ok it’s too old 4.1. how did you do the configuration? serial protocol -32; serial baud 115 ; osd type -1; msp option -0 ? Thanks again


Did you get this working on the Cube?

thanks.i purchased a matek f 405 v2 board and installed arduplane 4.4.0. walksnail works great.my question is:does arduplane 4.4.0 work on the matek h 743 v2 board if i can upgrade from 4.1.0 to 4.4.0 ?i honestly don’t know how to do it:thanks again

Yes. Just use mission planner it will offer you an upgrade