Waf build fails

Hello, I try to build ArduPilot on Win10 with Cygwin.

Everything was installed according a manual from the website, everything seems to work, but I can’t build any configuration. Here is my log:

user@PC ~/ardupilot
$ ./waf configure --board CubeBlack
Setting top to                           : /home/user/ardupilot
Setting out to                           : /home/user/ardupilot/build
Autoconfiguration                        : enabled
Setting board to                         : CubeBlack
Using toolchain                          : arm-none-eabi
Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler)        : /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU Tools ARM Embedded/6 2017-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU Tools ARM Embedded/6 2017-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc
Checking for c flags '-MMD'              :
user@PC ~/ardupilot
$ ./waf plane
The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!

It doesn’t matter that configuration I choose, it just can’t build anything. I have already tried to start Cygwin as administrator without success.

What is the problem?

did you run “./waf clean” first ?

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Yes, with same result:

user@PC ~/ardupilot
$ ./waf clean
The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!

forget cygwin, use WSL2, it always works.

Ok, thanks for your advice, I’ll try to install WSL now

Try to paste the following command at a DOS prompt (press window and R key then enter cmd) in the directory where you downloaded “Run setup-x86_64.exe”

setup-x86_64.exe -P autoconf,automake,ccache,gcc-g++,git,libtool,make,gawk,libexpat-devel,libxml2-devel,python36,python36-future,python36-lxml,python36-pip,libxslt-devel,python36-devel,procps-ng,zip,gdb,ddd