Waf build ArduSub error on Ubuntu 16.04


I am trying to compile ArduSub on Linux Ubuntu 16.04. I have followed all necessary steps from


This is my output, with cmake related error at the end:

prince@Prince-ThinkPad-W530:~/ardupilot$ ./waf clean
'clean' finished successfully (0.484s)
prince@Prince-ThinkPad-W530:~/ardupilot$ ./waf configure --board px4-v2
Setting top to                           : /home/prince/ardupilot 
Setting out to                           : /home/prince/ardupilot/build 
Autoconfiguration                        : enabled 
Setting board to                         : px4-v2 
Checking for program 'arm-none-eabi-ar'  : /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-ar 
Using toolchain                          : arm-none-eabi 
Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler)        : /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ 
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc 
Checking for HAVE_CMATH_ISFINITE         : no 
Checking for HAVE_CMATH_ISINF            : no 
Checking for HAVE_CMATH_ISNAN            : no 
Checking for header endian.h                   : not found 
Checking for header byteswap.h                 : not found 
Checking for program 'cmake'                   : /usr/bin/cmake 
Checking cmake version                         : 3.5.1 
Checking for program 'ninja, ninja-build'      : not found 
Checking for program 'make'                    : /usr/bin/make 
Checking for program 'python'                  : /usr/bin/python 
Checking for python version >= 2.7.0           : 2.7.12 
Checking for program 'python'                  : /usr/bin/python 
Checking for python version >= 2.7.0           : 2.7.12 
Source is git repository                       : yes 
Update submodules                              : yes 
Checking for program 'git'                     : /usr/bin/git 
Gtest                                          : PX4 boards currently don't support compiling gtest 
Checking for program 'arm-none-eabi-size'      : /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-size 
Benchmarks                                     : disabled 
Unit tests                                     : disabled 
'configure' finished successfully (0.653s)
prince@Prince-ThinkPad-W530:~/ardupilot$ ./waf build sub
Waf: Entering directory `/home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2'
[ 5/14] Processing modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml
[ 6/14] Processing uavcangen: modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/CoarseOrientation.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/Timestamp.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/actuator/1010.ArrayCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/actuator/1011.Status.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/actuator/Command.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/ahrs/1000.Solution.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/ahrs/1001.MagneticFieldStrength.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/air_data/1020.TrueAirspeed.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/air_data/1021.IndicatedAirspeed.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/air_data/1025.AngleOfAttack.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/air_data/1026.Sideslip.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/air_data/1028.StaticPressure.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/air_data/1029.StaticTemperature.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/camera_gimbal/1040.AngularCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/camera_gimbal/1041.GEOPOICommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/camera_gimbal/1044.Status.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/camera_gimbal/Mode.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/esc/1030.RawCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/esc/1031.RPMCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/esc/1034.Status.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/gnss/1060.Fix.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/gnss/1061.Auxiliary.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/gnss/1062.RTCMStream.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/hardpoint/1070.Command.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/hardpoint/1071.Status.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/indication/1080.BeepCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/indication/1081.LightsCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/indication/RGB565.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/indication/SingleLightCommand.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/power/1090.PrimaryPowerSupplyStatus.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/power/1091.CircuitStatus.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/power/1092.BatteryInfo.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/range_sensor/1050.Measurement.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/equipment/safety/1100.ArmingStatus.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/1.GetNodeInfo.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/2.GetDataTypeInfo.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/341.NodeStatus.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/4.GetTransportStats.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/4.GlobalTimeSync.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/5.Panic.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/5.RestartNode.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/6.AccessCommandShell.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/CANIfaceStats.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/DataTypeKind.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/HardwareVersion.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/SoftwareVersion.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/debug/16370.KeyValue.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/debug/16383.LogMessage.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/debug/LogLevel.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/dynamic_node_id/1.Allocation.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/dynamic_node_id/server/30.AppendEntries.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/dynamic_node_id/server/31.RequestVote.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/dynamic_node_id/server/390.Discovery.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/dynamic_node_id/server/Entry.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/enumeration/15.Begin.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/enumeration/380.Indication.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/40.BeginFirmwareUpdate.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/45.GetInfo.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/46.GetDirectoryEntryInfo.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/47.Delete.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/48.Read.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/49.Write.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/EntryType.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/Error.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/file/Path.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/param/10.ExecuteOpcode.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/param/11.GetSet.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/param/Empty.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/param/NumericValue.uavcan modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan/protocol/param/Value.uavcan
[ 7/14] Creating build/px4-v2/ap_version.h
[ 8/14] CMake Configure px4
[ 9/14] PX4: Copying rc.APM to px4-extra-files/ROMFS/init.d/rc.APM
[10/14] PX4: Copying rc.error to px4-extra-files/ROMFS/init.d/rc.error
[11/14] PX4: Copying rcS to px4-extra-files/ROMFS/init.d/rcS
[12/14] PX4: Copying px4fmuv2_bl.bin to px4-extra-files/ROMFS/bootloader/fmu_bl.bin
-- nuttx-px4fmu-v2-apm
-- could not find gdb
-- could not find gdbtui
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
CMake Error at cmake/toolchains/Toolchain-arm-none-eabi.cmake:62 (message):
  could not find genromfs
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:98 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:204 (project)

CMake Error: CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage

[13/14] CMake Build px4 msg_gen
make: *** No rule to make target 'msg_gen'.  Stop.

Running from the source directory

Validation skipped for /home/prince/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml.
Parsing /home/prince/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml
Note: message DATA64 is longer than 64 bytes long (74 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DATA96 is longer than 64 bytes long (106 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message REMOTE_LOG_DATA_BLOCK is longer than 64 bytes long (214 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DEVICE_OP_READ_REPLY is longer than 64 bytes long (143 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DEVICE_OP_WRITE is longer than 64 bytes long (187 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Validation skipped for /home/prince/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml.
Parsing /home/prince/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml
Note: message GPS_STATUS is longer than 64 bytes long (109 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message ATTITUDE_QUATERNION_COV is longer than 64 bytes long (80 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT_COV is longer than 64 bytes long (189 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOCAL_POSITION_NED_COV is longer than 64 bytes long (233 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIL_ACTUATOR_CONTROLS is longer than 64 bytes long (89 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIGHRES_IMU is longer than 64 bytes long (70 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIL_SENSOR is longer than 64 bytes long (72 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message SIM_STATE is longer than 64 bytes long (92 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL is longer than 64 bytes long (262 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIL_STATE_QUATERNION is longer than 64 bytes long (72 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOG_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (105 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GPS_INJECT_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (121 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message SERIAL_CONTROL is longer than 64 bytes long (87 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message ENCAPSULATED_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message RESOURCE_REQUEST is longer than 64 bytes long (251 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message FOLLOW_TARGET is longer than 64 bytes long (101 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message CONTROL_SYSTEM_STATE is longer than 64 bytes long (108 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message AUTOPILOT_VERSION is longer than 64 bytes long (68 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GPS_INPUT is longer than 64 bytes long (71 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GPS_RTCM_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (190 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message V2_EXTENSION is longer than 64 bytes long (262 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message CAMERA_INFORMATION is longer than 64 bytes long (94 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURED is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOGGING_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOGGING_DATA_ACKED is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Validation skipped for /home/prince/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/uAvionix.xml.
Parsing /home/prince/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/uAvionix.xml
Merged enum MAV_CMD
Found 208 MAVLink message types in 3 XML files
Generating C implementation in directory /home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/ardupilotmega
Generating C implementation in directory /home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/common
Generating C implementation in directory /home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/uAvionix
Copying fixed headers for protocol 2.0 to /home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0

WARNING: Unable to load XML validator libraries. XML validation will not be performed

Waf: Leaving directory `/home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2'
Build failed
 -> task in 'px4_msg_gen' failed (exit status 2): 
	{task 140702271472896: cmake_build_task  -> }
['/usr/bin/cmake', '--build', '/home/prince/ardupilot/build/px4-v2/modules/PX4Firmware', '--target', 'msg_gen']

Thanks for the help in advance.

I got the same problem but in windows system. Have you solve it?


did you follow http://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/building-setup-windows.html#building-setup-windows ?

I actually followed all the steps you mentioned above. The problem is, I can build use configure of fmuv3, which is using the ChibiOS. But if I configure as px4-v2, it would display like :missing rules for target to make gencpp…blablabla.
So, is the lastest branch can’t totally support the nuttx OS?

As I don’t use windows, I am unsure on what it wrong, we should still support nuttx in the lastest stable.
Where you using cygwin or WSL ?

I use cygwin under windous.I can successfully build fumv3,but failed in px4-v2. I believe it’s the missing part of my cygwin. I’ll try to figure it out.