VTOL Quick Tune Makes High PID Value

Hi @tridge
i have been used VTOL Quick tune LUA script on my couple of Multirotor and Tune was completed successfully and Flying well without any issue.
but i seen that both different Multirotor has huge RATE PID value compared to initial PID value.

  1. 8S powered Quadcopter
  2. 14S Powered octa quad/X
    after Quick tune completed i have got PID value Respectively.

usually experts not increase the D term very high as it cause oscillation. But i never seen any oscillation yet do you feel this range of PID is Normal?

I would be careful - I have seen quicktune produce overtunes several times now - it all depends on how well it detects the oscillation. You might have to play with SMAX to get it right - especially on larger vehicles.