VSpeed OSD Element Reversed

Hi all,

I’ve just maidened my first ArduPlane model, a Heewing Ranger T1.
All works really well and I’m delighted with it, but I have noticed that the vspeed indicator in the OSD is showing the reverse of what I’d expect.

For context, I am using MSP_Displayport and interfacing with a Walksnail VTX

When the aircraft is sinking, the arrow points up, and when the aircraft is climbing, the arrow points down.

This is counter-intuitive, and I’ve not been able to find anything in the docs about this. I don’t believe that the FBWB_ELEV_REV can be having an influence because I noted the behaviour in Stabilized, FBWA and RTL modes, and I winder if there is a way to check what the FC is sending to the VTX, to see if the issue is with the VTX OSD?

I’m pretty sure it’s not the custom font I have in the video because I noticed the same thing in my goggles, and the VRX does not have any custom fonts loaded.

For reference, the issue can be seen in the video of the maiden at Early Morning Adventures - Ranger T1 Maiden with Ardupilot and Walksnail - YouTube
I also have the logs collected during that flight if that’s of any use.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Stefan

Did you ever get this resolved. i have the exact same issue with a Ranger T1 Vtol