Voltage monitor in APM planner / loiter pos kp

Hi all i have a APM power module that is suppling a tapped supply from a 3s lipo into the APM. APM planner sees the voltage as 47v, in the voltage monitor setup i don’t seem to have the options that i have seen elsewhere i.e. sensor selection. I do get the basic and advanced setup screens where i can enter measured V and voltage divider which is calced at 10. How do i get the voltage correct ?

Also i have setup the sixth channel on my apm planner ( radio gear switch ) to “Loiter pos kp” what is this as when i select it nothing seems to happen .


Is the method something like this , you measure the real voltage of the batt using a multimeter then you see what APM planner thinks it is . then you divide the apm calc voltage by the real voltage then that gives you the divider ???

Fixed as per the above method