Virtual Robotix uBrain 5.2 support for Ardupilot

I had a quick look, card is still identified as VRBrain in the driver’s list. Trying to update the firmware with Mission Planner doesn’t look OK. I think we have to stay with the custom .apj upload.


I am still confused (not hard).

So we use the .apj file as custom firmware through MP. Is that all we have to do? Does this mean that ChiBios Ardupilot is running on VR boards now? I thought that Nuttx was deprecated so if this is the latest Dev branch than it must be ChiBios — or am I just misguided.

I never saw any announcement so has Luca been working on this?

There were some hints in the GitHub ardupilot code section.

Now it is alive,


Eagle eyes!

Has anyone tested this do you know?