Violent crash 15 meters high. After using Follow Me mode in Tower Beta

After trying successfully to activate the “Follow Me” mode with my Tower
Beta interface (now using a Wifi interface via Telemetry port), I
wanted to stop Guided Mode and selected the Stabilize Mode. Effect: All
the motors switch off and my Tarot 650 falls at two meters from me. By
luck, only the antenna support was broken and battery a littlebit
Using Ardupilot Copter 3.3.3 (I think).
Any bad operation from me? How to leave the “Follow Me” mode? Where to report this bug?

And where was the throttle stick on your controller when you switched it to stabilize mode? This is a common operator error when switching back to stabilize mode. If the throttle stick happens to be below the level required to hover, it’s going to drop. I learned this the hard way (a few times). You’re saying the motors “switched off”, but I’m finding that a bit hard to believe. It’s more likely they were throttled down, but not off. Are you sure they were actually off, like stopped and not turning?

You could be right, as the drone was 15 meters high and I was selecting the mode on my phone, I was of course not looking at the drone. So I can just confirm that I couldn’t hear the motors anymore. So maybe they were still running at 10% but I cannot confirm.

Everybody’s got to learn sometimes…

@Matt, this night I had a dream and I’ve seen that the throttle stick was down, so this is an operator failure, definitively.:sob:

You could be right, as the drone was 15 meters high and I was selecting the mode on my phone, I was of course not looking at the drone. So I can just confirm that I couldn’t hear the motors anymore. So maybe they were still running at 10% but I cannot confirm.

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