View multiple drones on single map

Gday all,

I have a small project / proof of concept involving 20 individual drones, connected to 20 individual ground stations (windows devices all running seperate Mission Planner)

The one thing I thought would be simple enough and so left it to the last minute, was a master view of all the drones. Being able to plot live location of drones on a single seperate map/device. This master doesn’t need to control or command any of the drones, it simply needs to plot them all, so it becomes an overview of drones relative to each other - much like vessel tracker applications that are out there.

All the ground control stations are on the same network, so it doesn’t need to access remote data over internet, I was just hoping to maybe:

  • Enable NMEA output in each instance of mission planner - on each device
  • Transmit the output to a central/seperate device
  • Plot each drone on a single map (with an ID so I know who’s who)

If possible, are you able to assist or point me in the direction of someone who can?
I am more of a soldering and hardware person, so if you can simplify any software solutions, that would be great :wink:
I reviewed other topics and nothing appears to fit a solution.

Many thanks in advance

You can try a Connection List for the 20 drones on a single laptop and MP instance. For UDP:


port01 something as 14550, etc.

However, swarming software may provide more features.

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Yep, @webillo is right, use connection list to connect one Mission Planner to all your vehicles. By setting the config variable mapicondesc, you can set what information is displayed when you hoover the cursor over the icon.
Vehicle icon color will be based on the SysID of the vehicle modulo 7.
The number of vehicles is limited only by memory and processor power.

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Good Day Webillo,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply and assistance. As soon as I have multiple assets set up again I will implement and hope I understand it correctly.
You are a star!

Good Day Eosbandi,
As with Webillo, I thank you very much for your input and confirmation of this solution.
Good humans!

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I have one rover and one copter.
Im using mavlink forwarding from rover pc to copter pc and want to display rover position on the copters mission planners map.
Tried using the connection list but hit a brick wall. Forwarding works as i can connect to rover seperatley from copter pc from different subnet, still without seeing map feedback.
Any help from the experts?