Video feed from HereLink with ethernet connected camera - on Mission Planner on a tethered PC

I’m doing a little work this week with SIYI gimbal/cameras.

I’ve had some success using the ethernet connection to the HereLink air unit - which requires using the custom SIYI HereLInk apps - either their custom version of Qgroundcontrol or the SIYI-FPV app.

Using standard HDMI camera connections to the HereLink, there is no trouble getting video feed to a tethered version of Mission Planner via a wi-fi or USB tether connection.

I haven’t yet figured out how (if possible) to do the same if the camera is using an ethernet connection to HereLink air unit.

When the SIYI gimbal/camera has an ethernet connection to the HereLink air unit, the video feed is available with an RTSP server as the source.

The question is can a copy of a USB or wi-fi tethered Mission Planner gain access to this RTSP video stream?

Note: When using a camera connected via ethernet to the HereLink air unit - you enter the RTSP address for the video feed source in the custom SIYI Qgroundcontrol app. For some reason, the HereLink’s native Qgroundcontrol will not get the video feed from this RTSP address.

So to recap - I’d like to use a camera with an ethernet connection to a HereLink air unit - and get that video feed on a tethered copy of Mission Planner.

I’d appreciate any thoughts our suggestions!

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Did you find the solution for this problem? I am facing the same issue.

Hello @Ravi_Singh - As I recall, the ethernet connection from the SIYI camera/gimbal was unavailable on the ground control computer via a tethered connection from the HereLink ground unit to a PC running MissionPlanner. But it works fine if you’re using the camera’s HDMI output.

Frankly - I expect it does work - but no one will share the proper settings.

I recall presenting this problem to @SIYI but did not receive a resolution.

There’s little difference between using a ethernet or hdmi connection between the HereLink air unit and the camera - except that most HDMI cables are a bit heavy. (there are a few lightweight ones available - and with angled plugs. Handy sometimes.)

I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.

Please try using this address. Can you first try pinging the camera address with your computer.
Camera address:
Mission Planner input address: rtspsrc location= rtsp:// latency=150 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGRA ! appsink name=outsink

Thank you for sharing your experience. I am using ZR10 camera which doesn’t have an HDMI out. Hence I am not able to test it. I got a response from Siyi that I will not be able to do it if I use herelink. It’s supported on their Video RX hardware.

I tried entering this on the Siyi FPV app on the herelink. But was not able to get a stream on herelink. But was able to get video on herelink if I choose SIY Camera 1 instead of rtsp. But I am not able to forward the video to another device from herelink.

Hi @Ravi_Singh,

We’ve recently been testing and improving our wiki docs for integrating AP with Ethernet. I would definitely recommend using ArduPilot 4.6 although in the setup you’re attempting to use I don’t think the autopilot connection is the issue.

In any case, we’ve improved the AP Siyi docs recently and I’ve just created a new PR to add similar details to the Herelink docs.

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