Vibrations XYZ axes

Hello guys, I’m kinda new in this drone world, just starting out, and I heard few things about vibrations, i want to prepare my self, so yeah, I wonder what should I do if I have X vibration only, Y vibration only, and Z. I want to hear all cases, because it’s looks intresting, what normal vibrations? what out of range? what ways can i dump it? and what is clipping? I already read ardupilot vibration section, but I saw there is just few things, and i saw peoples in forums, that they can’t fix VIBE by that, Thanks for your time guys! Let’s talk about it!

the How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x Blog post explains what cause each one of those, how to mitigate them, and where are the limits/acceptable values.

Okay thanks for that, and @amilcarlucas I wondering, let’s say the drone flies all looking fine, I talking about heavyweight, can it after some work hours, let’s say 300 work hours, start to imbalance something, and after that vibrations up ? Or that’s not possible?
And what about wind ? It’s making more of vibrations when you fly thru it ?

Yes, that is how it works, and that is what happens.

Wind also accounts for vibrations, but it is more indirect. Bottom line you need a good tuned drone to be able to operate reliably.

I reading right now, and I see, some peoples getting vibrations when flying in straight line, XY starting to show up, Increase speed- higher vibrations, there is any solution ? Could it be props getting worse after a lot of working hours? and what mounting foam or fc holder you would recomend? @amilcarlucas Thank you for chatting here with newbie.

And I saw something how to check motor imbalance using logs, It’s passible but I don’t know good values, and bad values, how it needs to look. Everyone saying that peoples need to configure notch filter, but where i should look, to see a good notch filter configuration, and bad configuration in WebTool ?

Drones are very much a hands-on thing. It’s great that you’re trying to grasp all the theoretics in advance, but it will invariably be frustrating and overwhelming if you don’t have an actual drone to work with. I’d start off with reading through the Ardupilot docs and the linked tuning manual, then build a drone, tune it and go from there.

@Oli1 Well, It is a lot of problems going in way, i have friends who talking about vibration, and is most dificult thing for them, so yeah, i looking where i would need to look, if i get in vibrations, parts coming, and i want to know, where to look, after i get it.

Get a stiff frame. No plastic parts.

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First make sure to eliminate vibrations before they occur, e.g. by choosing a stiff frame, balancing your props and motors. Next, minimize the impact vibrations have on your sensors by damping/isolating your FC. Finally, utilize software to counteract the vibrations that do occur (notch filter; make sure you have ESC telemetry).

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What about plastic propeller ? I mean which one is better ? Plastic or carbon? And what plastic details could be more here ?

Okay sounds cool, and how to balance motors ? About propellers its full of videos, but about motors can’t find anything. How to know if they have imbalance ? And by software what you mean ?

Motors are mostly balanced dynamically, either with a test stand or experimentally like in this video

This is old video, new motors like hobbywing x8, x9 still peoples balancing ?

The basic principals of static and dynamic balancing haven’t changed.

Over time vibrations can increase as bearings in the motors deteriorate or as the props wear. This should be gradual and if you’re watching the health of your drone you should be able to see it.

Unless you’re dealing with internal combustion engines, you should be able to hard mount most flight controllers directly to the frame. Most people will look for airframes that are as rigid as practical. As for props, stick to good quality brands. There are good plastic props on the market, but if you’re flying larger platforms you’ll probably go to carbon as they will be more stable and consistent. Don’t cheap out on the props, you’ll only end up buying more props.


Depends on whether your motors are unbalanced or not, and whether this causes issues for you or not.

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But, could i check from tada logs if it balanced or no ? Or i need some equipment to see ir ? @Oli1

Sooo, yeah, that’s a lot of information, thanks for your time. I looking at some peoples logs, and I see accZ X Y vibrations looking well, but they still have XY vibrations, and it looking kinda same, where the problem could be ?