I would really need your guidance to fly in fixed wing mode, My engine does not have starter so I need to start the engine and then Takeoff.
But as soon as I am starting the engine, Pre-arm: Gyro inconsistent warning is coming (because the z-axis vibration is going above 30 in the ground itself due to the engine vibration) I have also turned on the batch logging for this test.
Here is the log of ground test with engine on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h_e-6fk9TiE1ksqeFvPmZsYx-6o7SNh-/view?usp=sharing
I need someone’s help who has some experience in flying and fixing engine based drone. As all engine based drone would have vibration problems so what should I do to overcome it? I have hard and tight mounted my engine to fuselage and my FC also hard & tight mounted to the frame.
Really looking forward to your help, guidance and suggestion. Thanks in advance.
Yeah! I am also thinking to use some dampeners for engine mounting. Currently, I am working on this part.
It is already hard mounted on the most stiff part of the drone. Will double sided tape help little compared to hard mount? I have read in some of the Ardupilot discussion where people were talking about preferring to use double sided tap for mount (which comes with Pixhawk)
How safe is it to just take off and land when you have vibrations above 30? Pre arm: Gyro inconsistent pops up as soon as I start the engine.
What FC are you using? What is the airframe? How the FC is attached?
Double sided tape may help if your mount has slop in Z direction. Though it might be slightly less stiff overall. Other than that stiffening the mount base in Z axis might help. Also does the issue persist if you manually lift the plane with the motor running?
Fixed wing flight may be safe if your plane flies correctly and you have a good pilot as manual doesn’t do any stabilisation.
Multirotor mode, I wouldn’t try with inconsistent gyro. No transitioning either.
Hey Lupus!
Thanks again for the reply.
I am using Pixhawk Cube Orange and my airframe is made of wood and carbon fiber. There is no issue from the air frame side as it is very strong and as per the design.
I have hard mounted the FC with the help of bolt and it is properly tight. I have already done the VTOL tuning setup and it was flying really smooth and good in VTOL mode until I started the engine. (check the log for your reference which I shared above)
Once I start the engine, the engine vibrations cause the pre arm gyro inconsistent. So I have not tried to do any test, I am working on to reduce the engine vibration little bit so that pre arm warning go and I can take-off and collect some data to adjust notch filter.
I am trying to use some rubber dampeners to reduce the engine vibration. Have you faced any similar issue like this before? and Once this is over I need your guidance in transition also, as I am not a experience pilot at all. So please share some tips which I should follow for transition.
I have tried using some rubber dampeners to reduce the engine vibration but it did not work, instead the vibration level increased after putting the rubber dampeners.
But when I used the aluminum kind of pillars to hard mount the engine. I have noticed that engine vibrations reduced and came under 20.
I have done small VTOL testing with the engine running.
Here is the flight log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WCK9azf8QjeMZtuCbuMZ-uyLxpG7vaEj/view?usp=sharing
I have noticed that drone was drifting in QLoiter mode, waiting for your views on the flight log.
Checking in here too. We got the same problem with Gyros inconsistent. Although, probably not due to vibrations since this problem randomly appeared after installing 2x CAN nodes (ARK CANnode | PX4 User Guide (main)). I am unsure if these CAN nodes also send their IMU data to the AP. I do not intend to use the IMUs on these CAN nodes, therefore they aren’t mounted in a way they should.
Did anyone find a cause, and/or a solution to this?