Vibration and Notch Filter help - Very bad FFT IMU Batch Sample

The main issue I am seeing is that the Copter is able to fly well after first Autotune without wind, but if there is any crosswind, the Copter usually starts oscillating heavily and has crashed once already due to this.

I have very strong harmonic vibrations in my FFT log, even though my VIBE results are under 30m/s/s and never Clip at all.

Would like a suggestion on how to approach solving this. The Pixhawk 1 is mounted with an Anti-Vibration mount, and is a Quad built with 18" Carbon props.

There’s no FFT data in the log.

Set the following and try again:


You don’t know that. And you are using the wrong tool.
Filter review tool

Linear Plot

Need the same .bin log you used to produce that graph. If you don’t want to share it then read the docs for the filter review tool and get to it.

Re-linked it above. Was just concerned about GPS Lat-Long but I Anon-ed it

Needs to be a .bin file.

Still wrong. No .bin, no help.

Very good. Set these: and set INS_ACCEL_FILTER,10
Then make another flight and check it out.

Nice shoot’n Tex.

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Great minds think alike :grinning:

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Give me an hour, Thanks guys

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How does the other part to that saying go? :laughing:

Ah yes, the fools. Forgot about that part!

Nothing to do with you Jordan, looks like you are doing a good job.

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Hope So :smiley:

Here is the test flight after

Looks good.

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Here is the only other thing I stumbled on so far with the test flights.

What might cause this?

Also, do you guys recommend now Raising the INS_GYRO_FILTER higher than 26 now?
And if so, what Frequency would you suggest to get a better Autotune?

The main issue is Heavy Oscillation during any crosswind across the Quad