Verifying Rudder

In manual mode the surfaces move correctly.

If FBW mode they seem to be reversed for pitch.
So I think I should reverse both the servos and the RX input for pitch.

This begs the question, how do I check for the same issue with the Rudder?
IE how do you test the rudder behavior for reverse/sign issues in FBW mode?

Per Four Channel Planes — Plane documentation if you’re in FBWA mode and you roll the plane left the rudder should move right. (Note the warning that KFF_RDDRMIX must not be set to 0 for this test.)

I believe the recommended order of operations is:

  1. Ensure AHRS_ORIENTATION is set correctly.

  2. Ensure RC inputs move in the right direction as documented at Radio Control Calibration — Plane documentation In particular the green bar for pitch should move in the opposite direction as the physical stick on the transmitter. If anything moves in the wrong direction reverse it on the transmitter.

  3. As documented at Four Channel Planes — Plane documentation, with the model in FBWA, tilt the model and ensure that everything moves correctly on the model to bring it back level(using SERVOn_REVERSED to reverse output channels as needed).

  4. Also on Four Channel Planes — Plane documentation, in FBWA mode ensure that moving the transmitter sticks move the control surfaces as expected.

  5. Switch to MANUAL mode and ensure that moving the transmitter sticks move the control surfaces as expected. If this doesn’t work a previous step was not done correctly.

In FBWA the rudder should move towards the aileron that has moved up.

For example, if you pick up the plane and roll it to the left, the right aileron should move up, and the rudder should move to the right.