Variable Payload Weights Best Practice

What is the best practice for using different payload weights. Reading the threads around the forum I understand tuning is best done without a payload auto learning hover thrust and setting PSC_ACCZ_P & PSC_ACCZ_I appropriately. What happens when different weights are added as payload? For end users, what is best practice? Simplicity is key.

Is it best then to keep auto learn enabled for adding various different payload weights. Eg.

Gimbal 1: 500g
Gimbal 2: 875g
Gimbal 3: 1,200g

Hopefully this makes sense. Can clarify if needed. Basically, how do we adjust for different payload weights without too much or any interaction with params?

You could have small parameter files to load, like “Base” for best tune without payload, plus more each with meaningful names.
Each would be a text file with the adjusted parameters, so you can easily apply them without making keyboard errors.

Start by saving your tune/no payload params to a file, then edit it with notepad (notepad++ is good) and strip out all the params that you wont be interested in. Save as a new name for the default/base config.
Now adjust that file and save-as for each of the payloads.

They might contain (for example)


The MOT_THST_HOVER would be collected from a log flying with the payload and would give a head-start to the learning process. PSC values wouldnt have to be perfect, just near enough.
And put in anything else that suits the payload, such as PILOT_ , LOIT_ , ANGLE_MAX

ATC_ACCEL values would be calculated as follows:

  • new ATC_ACCEL_P_MAX = ATC_ACCEL_P_MAX x (min_TOW / max_TOW)
  • new ATC_ACCEL_R_MAX = ATC_ACCEL_R_MAX x (min_TOW / max_TOW)
  • new ATC_ACCEL_Y_MAX = ATC_ACCEL_Y_MAX x (min_TOW / max_TOW)