V4.3.2 Simulation can't run - IMMEDIATELY disarms

Har dee har har. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I meant it doesn’t work on MY installation in the mission plan. I’m aware that it’s SUPPOSED to, else it wouldn’t be an option.

I’m attempting to troubleshoot here. (Not that I don’t truly appreciate the time you’re putting in, thank you for that, and for the willingness to help, but c’mon now…) ; )

(Side note: I love the Lost In Space avatar! Danger Will Robinson!)

There’s obviously something amiss with my installation of the software. Or maybe this is possibly a software/version issue. I think I’ll try it from an Ubuntu machine next and see what happens (am currently on Windows 10).

What I’ve found so far: I CANNOT make a plan or load one before I arm/take off in simulator.
If I do, the drone will not arm in ANY mode.

I’m following the instructions scrupulously, going so far as to find 4 different YouTube videos and go click-for-click with whomever’s doing it.

In my case it does not work.

I have to go into the simulator, put it in loiter, take off, let it hover, and THEN go create/load a plan, write it to the drone, and start the mission. This is the only order that works. SOMETIMES I can arm it, then make/load a plan and write it, and start the mission, but I HAVE to have it armed (and usually aloft) before I can touch the plan screen.

If I make a plan at all (or load one) before I try to arm it or take off, then arming it fails utterly. In Auto, Loiter, Stabilize, etc. - It will not arm. When this happens I can no longer manually take off either. I have to restart the software entirely.

In short: Unless I’m missing something that nobody’s thought of, (and I’d legitimately love it if that was the case) I think there might be an issue with my installation, and I can’t currently troubleshoot that until I get into my office.

Note: Not that I think I can’t be wrong about something - in fact I’m hoping it’s something small and silly I’m missing, but as a programmer of close to 30 years who’s worked very closely with a lot of people who don’t listen to instructions, I can assure you I’ve carefully tried to follow several very detailed sets of instructions before asking. I’m not just throwing up my hands and griping when it doesn’t automagically work. :slight_smile:

So the update of the original problem as stated seems to be: I have to arm (and take off manually for more consistent success) in the simulation screen before doing anything on the planning screen, or I cannot arm the drone at all.

Thanks! I’ve tried that. I think there may be something wrong with my installation because I have followed all instructions on several tutorials with dissimilar results to those shown.

I CAN get it to work, but I MUST arm (and it’s greater success rates if I arm AND take off) prior to TOUCHING the “plan” tab.

If I go to the plan tab at all before I arm (and take off, most times) I have to restart the software. I cannot get it to arm at all if I TOUCH the “Plan” tab before I arm and take off.

I’ve been following a few YouTube/other instruction/tour/tutorial vids and I’ll perform the exact same actions carefully, and… mine behaves badly.

I reinstalled but there’s something mildly amiss.

Like, I’ve got it working but I need to jump through a couple hoops and it’s not under the category of “expected behavior” so I was hoping it was something I was doing wrong but it doesn’t seem to be.

Try updating to latest Beta from the Help screen. Perhaps it will repair what’s screwed up. Kind of doubt it but what the hell!

Definitely worth a go! And I’ll keep you guys posted, as well as with the Ubuntu version, when I get to it.

Again, my sincere thanks to all of you. This is a weird one, and I DO appreciate your time.

And hey? For now I have a way to make it work, so at least there’s a kludge. (Though it sucks having to save a detailed plan, close the software, open it up, take off, and THEN load/write it. But hey? As long as I can check/simulate a flight plan before feeding it into a real drone? It’s good enough for me.) ; )

Cheers, and thanks again!

Mission Planner on Ubuntu (and it’s flavours and off-shoots) can be touchy. I have it running on a VM with PopOs and the sim works great. I’ve had other installs where it wouldn’t run at all. All to say, don’t get too bent out of shape if you run into issues on Ubuntu. It happens.

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Yah, I’ve encountered the whole “Linux Version” hurdles before. I’ve got about 5 or 6 distros running on some of the servers here. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks! :slight_smile:


Yes, it is a failsafe issue, at least in my case. I was working the plane and my Advanced Failsafe was enabled it was not arming. I checked all parameters to learn what may cause this and I found out that when AFS_TERM_ACTION is set to 42 this issue occurs. :frowning: