V4.0.3 losing parameters on power up. Orange

Hello all,
Currently we run V4.0.3 on a verified system we manufacture for Blue Light services.
The system in general is very stable and we have many users.
We have one system that has twice now lost its full parameters on power up.
System reverts to base setting with no values.
Should we suspect Bootloader? or replace this cube?

Can’t easily upgrade to latest version without significant testing and recall of other systems.

I think you will have to do this. Search the forum here and you will find posts indicating a fix for it in the next version from what you are running (4.0.4).

Thanks… It’s something that we will have to consider.

Here are the ArduCopter 4.0.x release notes. The way I read it, you need to update to 4.0.7

And unfortunately you need to recall the other systems. I just find it strange that you have not done this before. It is a known fixed issue since 6-Feb-2021