Radio amateurs have used decades arps, aprs-is system to share locations, ask metar weather notes, send messages by between.
System has ready components to easily create public , global , open source, non-goverment bias uspace voluntarily for volunteers!
You find aprs location objects for example orucmaps android map.
At moment I do tiny test , I feed currently local ads-b and amateur packets and get local flying objects trough orucmaps.
Basic idea is that aprsc sever like receives position messages from users , ads-b from dump1090, … And user aps like xastir, aprsdroid, orucmaps shows that data.
You can aprs-is data at and radiosondes flying
So drone/remotecontroll could collect remote id and adb-s info, it could feed trough internet or if local radio available trough it location info or and receive what others are supplying. There could easily deployed message system from pilot to pilot as well.
What you think this idea, software, system is allready used decades and is mostly open source so it can be transfered from radioham world to drone world .