Using SIYI 2.4G Datalink with Pixhawk Cube Orange


Previously I been using Holybro 433 MHz telemetry module, which is quite standart for beginners. Nowadays, I want to upgrade to better module.

While searching, I saw this product, the SIYI 2.4G Datalink. It’s specs are quite impressive.How about that? Can I use it as a telemetry for my Cube Orange?

Module and link, which I think to buy:

I just need clear telemetry link in range of ~ 4 to 5 km. Also, It shouldn’t interface with any other radio.

@SIYI hope you can answer me. :slight_smile:

As a general rule, range reduces with an increase in frequency.

Even though you are increasing frequency, that 2.4 GHz system might work better than your 433 HHz modules because it uses frequency hopping. The 2.4GHz system might also work better if it uses ha higher power transmitter. The 2.4 GHz system uses 200 mW transmitter power. You will want to make sure this power level is legal in your area.

While lower frequency radios generally have better range, higher frequency radios can transfer more data than lower frequency radios.

Do you know what sort of range do you get with your 433 MHz radios?

One thing I find odd about the SIYI radios is the base unit has a female USB type A connector on it. It seems odd they used this connector. You’ll need some sort of adapter to connect it to a PC.

5 km range shouldn’t be too hard with lots of radios. I’d think your 433 MHz radios should be capable of this range. What other radio systems are you using on your aircraft?

I think it’s safe to say the answer is yes to this question.

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@ddegn thank you for your detailed reply. :slight_smile:

We will participate in an event where autonomous aircrafts are competing in various sub-races. This year is our 3 rd time.

Last two years, we just used Holybro 433 MHz module with Pixhawk 2.4.8. Now, we are upgrade to Cube Orange and we aslo want to upgrade our telemetry systems.

Also we don’t want to buy RFD900 like modules because they are expensive (and quite too much range for us). Besides of that, we have ongoing projects for devoloping our own flight control and telemetry systems. So we don’t want to invest in RFD 900, or systems like it.

I think that SIYI’s 2.4G Datalink is quite good for It’s price and features.

Even though you are increasing frequency, that 2.4 GHz system might work better than your 433 HHz modules because it uses frequency hopping. The 2.4GHz system might also work better if it uses ha higher power transmitter. The 2.4 GHz system uses 200 mW transmitter power. You will want to make sure this power level is legal in your area.

That’s what I thought too. Also a system with 2.4 GHz and 200 mW output complies with our laws. :slight_smile:

Do you know what sort of range do you get with your 433 MHz radios?

We got max. of 2.5 km, I think.

What other radio systems are you using on your aircraft?

FrSky X9D Plus 2019, R9 system and R9SX receiver.

One thing I find odd about the SIYI radios is the base unit has a female USB type A connector on it. It seems odd they used this connector. You’ll need some sort of adapter to connect it to a PC.

We got same problem with an other component in past, so we have a good solution for it. :slight_smile:

You might find this forum posting area of interest. There is a group pf SIYI users there and some use that equipment.

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Thanks, I’ll look into that forum. :slight_smile:

Hi, I’ve tested them, I used them for telemetry data on a real aircraft, when he was 25km away, 1000mt altitude I had sporadic data, but under 10km solid link, also on the forum, they are quite active.

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Can I use the sıyı 2.4G Data Link as telemetry for my Cube Orange Im?

In this thread, the answer was given yes.

There is also someone who has tested it and said it works.

Thank you DroneKid. I’m going to buy it and try it with the cupe orange. i share

I’m also checking herelink. I’m looking to see if video recording can be integrated with the RTK system.

Hello, do you have the firmware for siyi datalink ttelemetry ?