Using Mission Planner with Raspberry Pi as a main controller for Drone

I am working on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B as a main controller, 10DOF (L3G4200D_ADXL345_HMC5883L_BMP085 )IMU , and neo cn-06 GPS module.
I’m wondering if I can use an open-source GCS like Mission Planner with my flying system or it is just done for pre- full defined system like Ardupilot.

Mission planner talks mavlink. with customozation for ardupilot. Mission planner will talk to anything that is also talking mavlink.

I’ve successfully established MAVLink communication between Mission Planner and my custom Raspberry Pi flight controller, receiving messages in the RPi terminal. Now, I aim to enable mission planning directly on my custom controller just like ArduPilot do. Can you help me with this