Dear community,
For days now, I am struggling trying to use dual antennas and Septentrio receiver (AsteRx-m3 pro+) as main compass with Pixhawk Cube Orange on a quadcopter (Holybro x500 v2).
I am quite new in this field of application so please forgive me if I make foolish statements.
I successfully retrieve the GPS information from the antennas + receiver which makes me think that the Septentrio connection and parameters are good (source : Septentrio Support Portal), and the problem would come from the parameters set in Mission Planner.
I have installed a modified firmware arducopter v3.5 found on Github : Release 3.5 Septentrio Heading support · septentrio-gnss/Septentrio-ArduPilot-Autopilot · GitHub.
According to the Sepentrio support, this version is a prerequisite to use Septentrio receiver for heading (I am still trying to figure out the difference between compass and heading – right now I consider the compass as a tool and the heading as the information delivered by the compass, but I might be mistaken).
I have tried several attempts based on Internet tutorials, starting with this : ArduPilot simpleRTK3B Heading configuration - ArduSimple, making some adaptations to match which my configuration did not succeed neither.
I have also tried to use NMEA stream instead of SBF from the Septentrio receiver sent to the Pixhawk Cube Orange but still, no more success.
I anyone has any clue, it would be really appreciated. I remain available for further information or exchange, and I thank you in advance for you help.
Best regards,
Edit 11/28/2022 : The 2 antennas are about 70cm from each other.
I also ticked the “AttEuler” in Septentrio SBF stream options in addition to the ones specified in the tutorial.