Hi @MagicRuB,
I’ll post here since the answer can help others
Right now I have to have an auto mission for auto takeoff, which is the most valuable for me since I can’t hand fly while I’m throwing the plane (I throw and jump on the controls, but it’s awkward and the delay could be bad if I need an immediate reaction to fix a bad throw)
Am I correct that because I have this takeoff only mission, I can’t have a mission for landing unless my entire flight is an auto flight, which I’m not really interested in? (I use automation to help/supplement my flying, not to replace it, just like full size planes ).
I know you told me that auto takeoff would be something that was being added (so that it wouldn’t burn a mission just for takeoff). If so, do you have a pointer to something I could follow with regard to auto takeoff working without needing a mission, and leaving the mission free for something else, including auto landing?