Using Air Module as Ground Module

I’m new to APM and 3DR radios. I’m planning to use an Andriod phone as my ground station. Can I buy two 3DR Air Modules, one for connecting to APM, the other will be connected to a bluetooth module which will communicate with my Android phone as the ground station? I don’t know if there is any hardware/software difference between Air & Ground modules besides the USB connector.

The new 3DR telemetry radios have both serial (DF13 style) and USB connectors so they can be used in either position.

@TCIII, thanks for the reply. It’s good to know that the ground module can be connected to a bluetooth module without mods. However, I’m still wondering if it’s possible to have 2 Air Modules communicate to each other. That is, use 1 Air module as the GCS. If it’s possible, do I have to do any special firmware flashing, configurations, etc, to turn the Air module into a GCS?

Either module can do either job as Thomas has said

See here … version-2/

The 3DR Radio has interchangeable air and ground modules meaning that you use them as a pair but it does not matter which one goes on the vehicle and which remains on the ground. The radios can be either 915Mhz or 433Mhz and you should purchase the module which is appropriate for your counter

Thanks for the clarification. Now, I understand how it works.