Use same "OSD Layout" on several Flight Controllers

Hi everyone,

What is the best way to copy/save the “OSD Layout” from a flight controller and use it on another one?

P.S. The flight controllers are the same.

I exported the config file, then remove everything except

In my case I have 3 OSD enabled so the OSDX is OSD1_XXX , OSD2_XXX and OSD3_XXX

and I always after booting and doing the basic configuration of flight controller I use the compare parameters of mission planner and open my osd_param files and apply the file - I had to to 3 times at least.

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I think setting up the OSD parameters by hand should be easier! :))

By the way, I appreciate your instruction. :wink:


in true, it’s more easyer than appear :smiley:
just configure the first one and generate the param file, open in an text editor and remove everything except the lines. I’m attaching my sample osd file as example.

osd_padrao.param (10.1 KB)