Use MissionPlanner

Is there anyone who uses MissionPlanner professionally. Thank you for Answers

Yes, a lot of professional users use it.

Hello amilcarlucas. I asked because I wanted to know if you have more problems than you can use the device for. For example, the rudders on my plane work differently almost every time I switch it on. Then there are the apps that work today but don’t work tomorrow. It doesn’t matter whether you’re on a laptop, Android tablet (although according to my reading experience, most people think it works best on Android), Windows or Mac. That’s just a small selection of my problems. Asking questions in the forums doesn’t help either: either I can’t find an answer or I don’t get one. Amilcarlucas is a real rarity. Thanks for the feedback soul blues

Mission Planner Works on Windows and Linux. It is heavily used and has very few bugs.
Nevertheless I wrote a software to configure vehicles from scratch that is easier to use and learn than mission planner.

But yes I advise you to use mission planner for operating the vehicle, it’s the best software available for that.

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and what would that be? and what software does it run on?

The ArduPilot Methodic Configurator ?

It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. But is is only for vehicle configuration. Currently supports ArduCopter and ArduRover. I hope to soon add support for ArduPlane and TradHeli.

thanks for the message

Mission Planner works on Linux? That’s news to me because no matter what i try it’s a nonstop constant nightmare of bugs, failure and maxed out CPU for no reason.

Mission Planner kind of works on linux.
ArduPilot Methodic Configurator is developed and tested on linux