Use Martekss optical flow sensor for indoor position hold

I have a two question. Firstly, I will explain my set up.

I physically set up bicopter for indoor test but using hexacopter software(attached 2 propellers with opposite directions) for my experiment. The vehicle is attached to ground rail, allowing it to move on a slide without changes in altitude. The slide moves in one direction. I am using Pixhawk Orange Cube and an Optical Flow sensor, which I have calibrated. My goal is for the vehicle to hold its position regardless of external forces. I followed this link, and I am confident that I have set the parameters correctly.

Here are my questions:

  1. Upon taking off in Stabilized mode and transitioning to Position hold or Loiter mode, the drone automatically switches to lading mode and shuts down. I don’t why.

  2. After taking off in loiter mode, when I pushed the slide, it does not return to origin position.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Loiter can not be used indoors

Thanks for you response. I using optical flow sensor instead of GPS for indoor test. What mode can I use for my set up?

Google “ArduCopter indoor flight mode”

I regret to inform you that after reading the indoor guidance. I want that I must conduct my setup in a wind tunnel or indoor lab for my Ph.D. research. Unfortunately, the indoor mode does not allow the use of an optical flow sensor.

Where exactly did you read that?

thanks for you reply. Here. Again, I am so sorry interrupt you.

  1. Just because optical flow isn’t mentioned on the indoor flying page it doesn’t mean it’s not supported, it more likely means that indoor flying and using an optical flow sensor doesn’t have an effect on each other. If optical flow wasn’t supported in indoor flight the wiki page would probably state that.

  2. You can use one of these Non-GPS navigation systems instead of GPS to get your position indoors.

  3. Maybe you could use a lidar rangefinder (depending on your windspeeds, sonar may not work) to point down the track to meassure the position on the track.