URGENT help - 5 rpm sensor by gpio (multiple RPM sensor)

hi everyone, i need to monitor 5 motors as i have a quad plane setup, but i cant figure out what to change in the firmware to make it work. as for now i am able to make the options for 5 rpm sensors in the params but am not able to get logging/gcs to show all 5 RPM form the motors. please let me know what i could do to make it work!

any help is really appreciated

thanks ,

You do not tell us EXACTLY what parameters you configured, nor how you configured.
How can we help you without knowing that. Come on guys, start asking better questions.

“It does not work, fix it for me” is getting really old!
Provide details, ask better direct questions.

1 Like

hi lucas, i am really sorry for that.

list of changes :

  1. GCS_common.cpp :

i have sepreated the mavlink_msg_rpm_send comand into 2 because when compiling
rpm5 );
it fails ans says to much variable

  1. in AP_rpm.h
    a… // Maximum number of RPM measurement instances available on this platform


// @Group: S
// @Path: AP_RPM_Params.cpp
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(params[1], "2", 15, AP_RPM, AP_RPM_Params),
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(params[2], "3", 16, AP_RPM, AP_RPM_Params),
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(params[3], "4", 17, AP_RPM, AP_RPM_Params),
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(params[4], "5", 18, AP_RPM, AP_RPM_Params),

void AP_RPM::Log_RPM()
float rpm1 = -1;
float rpm2 = -1;
float rpm3 = -1;
float rpm4 = -1;
float rpm5 = -1;

get_rpm(0, rpm1);
get_rpm(1, rpm2);
get_rpm(2, rpm3);
get_rpm(3, rpm4);
get_rpm(4, rpm5);

const struct log_RPM pkt{
    time_us     : AP_HAL::micros64(),
    rpm1        : rpm1,
    rpm2        : rpm2

AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));


note: note able to add morel og_RPM pkt{ for example for rpm 3/4

now: the paramater to change/ configure the rpm sensor shows up like

but after enabling them and checking satus tab + mavinspector only RPM 1 and RPM 2 is seen

thanks in advance

aditionally i tried changing the "PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Aug-2021 " parameters but even if i change it there no effect towards the data been sent / recoginzed. (gcs/logging)

  1. i have followed : increasing the number of RPM sensor by hoijo · Pull Request #20003 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub with no sucess
  2. i have followed :RPM Sensor Wiki - Knowledge Share - #20 by Giovanna @Giovanna’s post but also so success

anyhelp is appreciated

  1. parameters in mission planner :

  2. view in status

  3. view in mavlink inspector

hope it helps

i suspect is the
void mavlink_msg_rpm_send(mavlink_channel_t, float, float) parameter, is there a way to change it to increase the number of rpm sensor sent?

i have tried to change the mavlink_msg_rpm.h file by adding float rpm3 , float rpm4 and so on but still have no luck.

mavlink_msg_rpm.h (9.6 KB)
attached file.

thank you


All RPM sensors use the AP RPM library because the rpm sensor
is plugged into an AUX port on a Pixhawk, so we need to ensure that the AUX port is
configured as a GPIO pin to receive a signal input. Also, Ardupilot needs to know which
pin the RPM sensor is connected to.The RPM library in ArduPilot monitors the voltage of
the designated signal pin.With the latest version firmware of Ardupilot a maximum of two
RPM sensors can be used. For my project, I needed to active four rpm sensors, one for each
motor. This is the reason why I required tocustomize the firmware, particularly the RPM
The following lines of programming code are those that were added to the firmware in order to active 4 rpm sensors. Basically, the tasks the code performs are:
• To active four pins, AUX pins as GPIO(Instead of two).
• To read and store the RPM sensor signals.
• To send the messages to the Full Parameters list, so that the user can configure the
parameters related with RPM sensors through MissionPlanner.
• To log RPM sensors readings into a micro sd card.

  1. Modify libraries/AP RPM/AP RPM.h

  2. Modify libraries/AP RPM/AP RPM.cpp as:

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#include “AP_RPM.h”
#include “RPM_Pin.h”
#include “RPM_SITL.h”
#include “RPM_EFI.h”
#include “RPM_HarmonicNotch.h”

extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;

// table of user settable parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_RPM::var_info = {
// @Param: _TYPE
// @DisplayName: RPM type
// @Description: What type of RPM sensor is connected
// @Values: 0:None,1:PWM,2:AUXPIN,3:EFI,4:Harmonic Notch
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO(“_TYPE”, 0, AP_RPM, _type[0], 0),

// @Param: _SCALING
// @DisplayName: RPM scaling
// @Description: Scaling factor between sensor reading and RPM.
// @Increment: 0.001
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_SCALING", 1, AP_RPM, _scaling[0], 1.0f),

// @Param: _MAX
// @DisplayName: Maximum RPM
// @Description: Maximum RPM to report
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_MAX", 2, AP_RPM, _maximum, 100000),

// @Param: _MIN
// @DisplayName: Minimum RPM
// @Description: Minimum RPM to report
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_MIN", 3, AP_RPM, _minimum, 10),

// @Param: _MIN_QUAL
// @DisplayName: Minimum Quality
// @Description: Minimum data quality to be used
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("_MIN_QUAL", 4, AP_RPM, _quality_min, 0.5),

// @Param: _PIN
// @DisplayName: Input pin number
// @Description: Which pin to use
// @Values: -1:Disabled,50:PixhawkAUX1,51:PixhawkAUX2,52:PixhawkAUX3,53:PixhawkAUX4,54:PixhawkAUX5,55:PixhawkAUX6
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_PIN",    5, AP_RPM, _pin[0], 54),

// @Param: 2_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Second RPM type
// @Description: What type of RPM sensor is connected
// @Values: 0:None,1:PWM,2:AUXPIN,3:EFI,4:Harmonic Notch
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO(“2_TYPE”, 10, AP_RPM, _type[1], 0),

// @Param: 2_SCALING
// @DisplayName: RPM scaling
// @Description: Scaling factor between sensor reading and RPM.
// @Increment: 0.001
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("2_SCALING", 11, AP_RPM, _scaling[1], 1.0f),

// @Param: 2_PIN
// @DisplayName: RPM2 input pin number
// @Description: Which pin to use
// @Values: -1:Disabled,50:PixhawkAUX1,51:PixhawkAUX2,52:PixhawkAUX3,53:PixhawkAUX4,54:PixhawkAUX5,55:PixhawkAUX6
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("2_PIN",    12, AP_RPM, _pin[1], -1),

// @Param: 3_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Third RPM type
// @Description: What type of RPM sensor is connected
// @Values: 0:None,1:PWM,2:AUXPIN,3:EFI,4:Harmonic Notch
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("3_TYPE", 13, AP_RPM, _type[2], 0),

// @Param: 3_SCALING
// @DisplayName: RPM scaling
// @Description: Scaling factor between sensor reading and RPM.
// @Increment: 0.001
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("3_SCALING", 14, AP_RPM, _scaling[2], 1.0f),

// @Param: 3_PIN
// @DisplayName: RPM3 input pin number
// @Description: Which pin to use
// @Values: -1:Disabled,50:PixhawkAUX1,51:PixhawkAUX2,52:PixhawkAUX3,53:PixhawkAUX4,54:PixhawkAUX5,55:PixhawkAUX6
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("3_PIN", 15, AP_RPM, _pin[2], -1),

// @Param: 4_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Fourth RPM type
// @Description: What type of RPM sensor is connected
// @Values: 0:None,1:PWM,2:AUXPIN,3:EFI,4:Harmonic Notch
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("4_TYPE",    16, AP_RPM, _type[3], 0),

// @Param: 4_SCALING
// @DisplayName: RPM scaling
// @Description: Scaling factor between sensor reading and RPM.
// @Increment: 0.001
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("4_SCALING", 17, AP_RPM, _scaling[3], 1.0f),

// @Param: 4_PIN
// @DisplayName: RPM4 input pin number
// @Description: Which pin to use
// @Values: -1:Disabled,50:PixhawkAUX1,51:PixhawkAUX2,52:PixhawkAUX3,53:PixhawkAUX4,54:PixhawkAUX5,55:PixhawkAUX6
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("4_PIN",    18, AP_RPM, _pin[3], -1),




AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);

if (_singleton != nullptr) {
    AP_HAL::panic("AP_RPM must be singleton");
_singleton = this;


initialise the AP_RPM class.
void AP_RPM::init(void)
if (num_instances != 0) {
// init called a 2nd time?
for (uint8_t i=0; i<RPM_MAX_INSTANCES; i++) {
uint8_t type = _type[i];
if (type == RPM_TYPE_PWM) {
// PWM option same as PIN option, for upgrade
type = RPM_TYPE_PIN;
if (type == RPM_TYPE_PIN) {
drivers[i] = new AP_RPM_Pin(*this, i, state[i]);
if (type == RPM_TYPE_EFI) {
drivers[i] = new AP_RPM_EFI(*this, i, state[i]);
// include harmonic notch last
// this makes whatever process is driving the dynamic notch appear as an RPM value
if (type == RPM_TYPE_HNTCH) {
drivers[i] = new AP_RPM_HarmonicNotch(*this, i, state[i]);
if (type == RPM_TYPE_SITL) {
drivers[i] = new AP_RPM_SITL(*this, i, state[i]);
if (drivers[i] != nullptr) {
// we loaded a driver for this instance, so it must be
// present (although it may not be healthy)
num_instances = i+1; // num_instances is a high-water-mark

update RPM state for all instances. This should be called by main loop
void AP_RPM::update(void)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<num_instances; i++) {
if (drivers[i] != nullptr) {
if (_type[i] == RPM_TYPE_NONE) {
// allow user to disable an RPM sensor at runtime and force it to re-learn the quality if re-enabled.
state[i].signal_quality = 0;



check if an instance is healthy
bool AP_RPM::healthy(uint8_t instance) const
if (instance >= num_instances || _type[instance] == RPM_TYPE_NONE) {
return false;

// check that data quality is above minimum required
if (state[instance].signal_quality < _quality_min.get()) {
    return false;

return true;


check if an instance is activated
bool AP_RPM::enabled(uint8_t instance) const
if (instance >= num_instances) {
return false;
// if no sensor type is selected, the sensor is not activated.
if (_type[instance] == RPM_TYPE_NONE) {
return false;
return true;

get RPM value, return true on success
bool AP_RPM::get_rpm(uint8_t instance, float &rpm_value) const
if (!healthy(instance)) {
return false;
rpm_value = state[instance].rate_rpm;
return true;

// singleton instance
AP_RPM *AP_RPM::_singleton;

namespace AP {

AP_RPM *rpm()
return AP_RPM::get_singleton();


  1. Modify libraries/AP RPM/AP Pin.cpp

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include “RPM_Pin.h”

#include <AP_HAL/GPIO.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>

extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
AP_RPM_Pin::IrqState AP_RPM_Pin::irq_state[RPM_MAX_INSTANCES];

open the sensor in constructor
AP_RPM_Pin::AP_RPM_Pin(AP_RPM &_ap_rpm, uint8_t instance, AP_RPM::RPM_State &_state) :
AP_RPM_Backend(_ap_rpm, instance, _state)

handle interrupt on an instance
void AP_RPM_Pin::irq_handler(uint8_t pin, bool pin_state, uint32_t timestamp)
const uint32_t dt = timestamp - irq_state[state.instance].last_pulse_us;
irq_state[state.instance].last_pulse_us = timestamp;
// we don’t accept pulses less than 100us. Using an irq for such
// high RPM is too inaccurate, and it is probably just bounce of
// the signal which we should ignore
if (dt > 100 && dt < 1000
1000) {
irq_state[state.instance].dt_sum += dt;

void AP_RPM_Pin::update(void)
if (last_pin != get_pin()) {
// detach from last pin
if (last_pin != (uint8_t)-1 &&
!hal.gpio->detach_interrupt(last_pin)) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, “RPM: Failed to detach from pin %u”, last_pin);
// ignore this failure or the user may be stuck
irq_state[state.instance].dt_count = 0;
irq_state[state.instance].dt_sum = 0;
// attach to new pin
last_pin = get_pin();
if (last_pin) {
hal.gpio->pinMode(last_pin, HAL_GPIO_INPUT);
if (!hal.gpio->attach_interrupt(
FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_RPM_Pin::irq_handler, void, uint8_t, bool, uint32_t),
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, “RPM: Failed to attach to pin %u”, last_pin);

if (irq_state[state.instance].dt_count > 0) {
    float dt_avg;

    // disable interrupts to prevent race with irq_handler
    void *irqstate = hal.scheduler->disable_interrupts_save();
    dt_avg = irq_state[state.instance].dt_sum / irq_state[state.instance].dt_count;
    irq_state[state.instance].dt_count = 0;
    irq_state[state.instance].dt_sum = 0;

    const float scaling = ap_rpm._scaling[state.instance];
    float maximum = ap_rpm._maximum.get();
    float minimum = ap_rpm._minimum.get();
    float quality = 0;
    float rpm = scaling * (1.0e6 / dt_avg) * 60;
    float filter_value = signal_quality_filter.get();

    state.rate_rpm = signal_quality_filter.apply(rpm);
    if ((maximum <= 0 || rpm <= maximum) && (rpm >= minimum)) {
        if (is_zero(filter_value)){
            quality = 0;
        } else {
            quality = 1 - constrain_float((fabsf(rpm-filter_value))/filter_value, 0.0, 1.0);
            quality = powf(quality, 2.0);
        state.last_reading_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
    } else {
        quality = 0;
    state.signal_quality = (0.1 * quality) + (0.9 * state.signal_quality);

// assume we get readings at at least 1Hz, otherwise reset quality to zero
if (AP_HAL::millis() - state.last_reading_ms > 1000) {
    state.signal_quality = 0;
    state.rate_rpm = 0;


  1. Modify ardupilot/libraries/AP Logger/LogFile.cpp

  1. Modify ardupilot/libraries/AP Logger/AP LogStructure.h

Hope it works now after all those changes. I will keep in touch.


Thank you so much! i will try it tomorrow and let you know ASAP. once again thanks

hi Giovanna, i apprichiate the help. i tired it out and it getting the following errors:

what do you think might cause the problem?


  1. Did you change the number of instances in libraries/AP RPM/AP RPM.h?

    you should change to 5

  2. Also make sure you do a clean build from the beginning, otherwise bugs remain from previous builds. Be patient.

Also, please check this:

This is a minor fix to what I believe is just a hang over.

It looks like we create param arrays for _maximum, _minimum, and _quality_min yet we never give users the chance to set them on instances other than the 1st. This doesn’t have any ploblems until we start trying to add more than two instances of RPM and immediatly follow on the param idx. Only noticed it whilst helping out @GiovannaAF trying to add more instances to RPM.

So we should either reduce the variable array size or add the _maximum, _minimum, and _quality_min params to the >1 instances of RPM IMHO. I opten for the former here:

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

Commit Summary

  • AP_RPM: Fix parameter memory allocation

File Changes

Patch Links:

hi Giovana,

thanks i have gotten it to compile. all settings are shown in the paramater. however when i check in the status tab/mavinspector it only shows rpm 1 and rpm2, any thoughts on this?

thanks in advance


btw i am using plane 4.1.7

You should be using ArduPlane 4.4.3

it seams that i need to modify the mavlink_msg_rpm message but i am not sure on how to proceed, as in what changes do i need to do so that the mavlink message can send more than 2 rpm instance

what have i done sofar is adding aditonall rpm instances in the message but it did not work, actually i am not really familiar with editing mavlink

thank you in advance
