Updating Mission Planner


I am currently using Mission Planner and would like to update to the most recent version. Ideally, I can do this without downloading the most recent dev version, because I do have several added scripts to the project, that were added by someone else. So, I’m concerned about moving things over incorrectly.

In Mission Planner, if I go to the help tab, I can see that there’s a check for updates button. When I click this, it says there are no new updates. However, when I go the change log it says the most recent is 1.3.79. And the git says the most recent is 1.3.80.

Is there something I’m missing in updating the software? When I look online, all I can find are things saying it automatically updates, which doesn’t seem to be the case for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Go into the config tab at the top, then select planner from the list on the left. On this screen, there’s a tick box for “beta updates” near the bottom. Select this, then go into the help tab and you should have a button for “Check for Beta Updates” next to the check for updates button

Thanks for the response.

When I follow those steps I get this error when I click “Check for BETA updates”

Not sure whats happening there. You could download the latest zip file from Github (latest beta release at the time of posting here). Unzip the folder and run the exe