I was having a difficult time finding a solution to my problem that during auto missions, the plane faces away from the desired heading, that is it should have its nose pointed towards the waypoint but it maintains some kind of an angle during the said leg.
A tlog for the flight is attached for anyone willing to help. Or maybe just point me in the right direction.
This seems like the only parameter that would make sense to me… Have you played with any of them yet?
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
This controls the weight the compass or GPS has on the heading. A higher value means the heading will track the yaw source (GPS or compass) more rapidly.
Hey. Thanks for your input. I have had a look at that. However, this does not seem to relate to my issue. the plane tracks well in other modes, RTL and FBWA and points to where it should. The only issue is while auto mission, it has its nose pointed at an angle from the waypoint its moving towards.
If you take a look at the tlog at around 14:17 when moving northward, you can see my point.