Unstable Loiter Mode

Hi Everyone,
I am new to drone field. i have built a f450 frame drone kit with pix-hawk 2.4.8 controller and motors of a2212 1400kV. i have done the calibrations. and manually tuned the PID parameters. Drone some how fly stably in stabilize mode. but when i change its mode from stabilize to loiter mode at approx 4m altitude the drone become unstable(state oscillating wrt to gps module).
log bin file link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_pQYfpouNvkgzG7Dy_bCA8lsvemsU0AD/view?usp=drive_link

please help me in this matter.

Some of those components are not recommended.

Anyway, to fix that use ArduPilot methodic configurator software. And start from the beginning. There are lots of configuration steps that you missed

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Thanks, now i will try this.

You will quickly find out that the vibration levels on that craft are severe with >1000 clipping events in that log. Those frames and motors are junk.
Hardware to Avoid