Unsolicited param value


I am using MAVROS to communicate between rpi and pixhawk.

[ INFO] [1641792287.726857740]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=206, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.733554667]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=207, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.851708261]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=208, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.858347740]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=209, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.865172897]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=210, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.871700449]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.877115657]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.883698417]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792287.890296178]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.089449667]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.095972740]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.102726230]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.118606542]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.236652844]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.243366542]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=211, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.249960501]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=212, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.256617271]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=213, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.268721386]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=214, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.450395969]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=215, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.457116907]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=216, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.463677532]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=217, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.470345917]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=218, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.477120032]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=219, not resetting retries count 3
[ INFO] [1641792288.483563105]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=220, not resetting retries count 3

While Iam communicating via UART connection everyting is fine and mavros prompt doesnt show unsolicated param value. While using radiomodems RFD868 mavros shows a lot of unsolicated param value. I am using baudrate 57600 what should i change to delete this informations via telemetry?

How can I improve communitation between pixhawk and rpi while using RFD868 what are the best settings?


Reset the pH and restart the GCS. The problem will go away

By pH you mean pixhawk? I’ve did it several times. It doesnt help. Once I’ve had a situation when such a problem did not occur. However It was only one time. After reset It occurs each time. Do you know what unsolicated param means?

I am using MAVROS, Do you know what PR: Unsolicated param mean? Can I turn it off?

I also use MAVROS and I also get this at some times. The solution is to reset the pixhawk and restart mavros and the other nodes.

But you are correct, it should never happen in the first place, and should be fixed. Are you using the very latest mavros master or are you using the humble branch?

Hello, i got into this error as well.

I am using the humble branch

Any update regarding this issue? I’m also getting the same when communicating MAVROS and SITL:

ros_control | [mavros_node-1] [INFO] [1718151895.786469498] [mavros.param]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=924, not resetting retries count 3
ros_control | [mavros_node-1] [INFO] [1718151895.788077983] [mavros.param]: PR: got an unsolicited param value idx=924, not resetting retries count 3