Unlimited range HD streaming with LTE

Part 1 - Apsync installation on Raspberry PI3

First you need to install Apysnc image on Raspberry PI3
Follow the instructions:
APSync — Dev documentation

Wiring the telemety port ( Telem1,2, …) to RPI3 depend about your flight controller

When installed you can connect to the PI3 with a terminal emulator such as BitVise (Bitvise SSH Client | Bitvise) by connecting to the board’s wifi access point and then ssh to
username: apsync, password: apsync

BitVise : You can edit the scripts without use the terminal

Once connected to the WiFi network browse to (Configurations page)
If everything Is ok check the communication to the ground station
You can use Mission Planner or Qground control
By default the telemetry is sent from RPI3 by UDP port 14550 and baudrate is 921 (921600)
You must modify the baud rate of you telemetry port connected

The script used to configure the communication is under …\start_cmavnode \cmavnode.conf

The section used to configure UDP is


Next we will modify the section to change from broadcast to a static IP address (ZeroTier Network)

Part 2 -Check Video Streaming

When the first part is done , and everything work we need to check the gstreamer section
You can do test also without a CAM . Gstreamer is installed by default with Apsync

Check on console :

gst-launch-1.0 --version

The video streaming can be started from
We need to stop and disable the autostreaming

When you start the streaming from web page , the IP address of your client will be associated
So , if you change the client , you need to stop and start to join a new IP address

The script is under …\start_cherrypy\start_udp_stream
By default this script is used to start with a raspicam , we need to add new pipeline

Open the file ( If you have installed Bitvise you can edit without use the console )

Comment or remove the section raspvid

raspivid -t 0 -h 720 -w 1024 -fps 25 -hf -b 2000000 -o - |
gst-launch-1.0 -v fdsrc !
h264parse !
rtph264pay config-interval=1 pt=96 !
udpsink host=$STREAM_TO_IP port=$STREAM_TO_PORT

Add a new pipeline

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc is-live=true ! \
video/x-raw,framerate=30/1 ! \
videoconvert ! x264enc ! \
h264parse ! rtph264pay pt=96 ! \
udpsink host=$STREAM_TO_IP port=$STREAM_TO_PORT

Now you can start the streaming from web page
To test with ground control , I prefer QQC , there is a section to configure the video
By default the port is 5600 (Apsync)

If everything work go to the main page of QGC and you will se the test signal video

If you want to test a streming video It’s neccesary to have a USB Cam or raspicam
You can read UAVCast documentation to check the hardware requirment

At the begin I used GIT2 Cam as PC cam
The compression is an hard job to do , better have a compressed H264 signal (not raspicam)

Next step i will explain:
Connect a LTE Usb modem ( Huawei E3372-153 )
Check internet connection
Install ZeroTier on RPI
Install ZeroTier on PC or another device
Modify the script cmavnode to send telemetry on VLAN
Modify the script start_udp_stream to join a cam or encoder H264

I suggest to buy an encoder when you will be able to have a good result with a CAM and LTE