Mission Planner has a button to create MATLAB files from telemtry logs. What are the units of the time variable in the created MATLAB variables?
Mission Planner has a button to create MATLAB files from telemtry logs. What are the units of the time variable in the created MATLAB variables?
probably microseconds
I figured it out. It’s not microseconds, it’s a MATLAB datenum, which is the number of days since Jan 0, 0000. But there is an error/bug - the value is one day off (too small). I’ll file a bug report if I can figure out where and how…
off by one? or is it GMT?
Nope, off by exactly one day. (plus a few seconds…) Offset to GMT from my localtime (EDT) is 4 hours.
Best proof is probably to look at the mavlink SYSTEM_TIME message. I have telemetry log files from a test performed on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018 at approximately 4:00 - 4:30 pm local time (EDT). The unix system time in the mavlink SYSTEM_TIME message becomes the variable, time_unix_usec_mavlink_system_time_t, in the created mat-file. Here’s a snippet of the first 10 rows:
>> time_unix_usec_mavlink_system_time_t(1:10,:)
ans =
737299.669028796 1.535486602487e+15
737299.669032454 1.535486603002e+15
737299.669053021 1.535486604884e+15
737299.669073461 1.535486606434e+15
737299.669089109 1.535486607963e+15
737299.669107245 1.535486609503e+15
737299.669126366 1.535486611002e+15
737299.669141331 1.535486612543e+15
737299.669164317 1.535486614084e+15
737299.669184641 1.535486615583e+15
First column is matlab datenum, second is unix time in microseconds.
Using the first entry, on my linux box, which is set for GMT-5:
~>date --date='@1535486602.487'
Tue Aug 28 16:03:22 EDT 2018
And on MATLAB:
> datestr(737299.669028796)
ans =
'27-Aug-2018 16:03:24'
Thus, offset by one day. I’ll leave it to you to worry about the 2 second difference (plus probably some milliseconds). I don’t care right now for my purposes.
Does this suffice as my bug report?
If it matters, I’m running arducopter 3.5.7 on a rpi/navio2, and Mission Planner version 1.3.52 build
ive made changed to add the missing day