Unexpected desired pitch down flying in guided mode

Hi everyone,

During one of latest flights that we’ve done we have detected an anomaly that we do not know what could be the cause of. In the log have a look at time 16:10:28. What happens is the desired pitch gets down to -20 deg and the plane follows after that. It is a short event as after a second it gets back to normal. Anyone has any ideas of what might have been the cause of that ? Mission was nevertheless successful.

Here’s a link to flash log:

You bumped into the pitch stick ?
Same happened with roll earlier in the flight

That was not very smart of me. We quite quickly assumed no bumping into sticks as the pilot held the radio and was precisely observing the aircraft at the time. However that leads us into conclusion that we need to check settings on RC system - that was first time on Horus. So bumping into sticks is ruled out - and pattern in logs confirms that I think - (1 second flat, sharp edges). If somebody else has some experience with similar please let us know.

Still thank you Andras for your analysis.