Unequal PWM output from pixhawk to ESCs

Hey guys! I needed some help regarding the Vtol motors for a quadplane. We have manufactured the a quadplane (4+1) X configuration and set the params according to the guidelines on the ardupilot forum. The fuselage is of carbon fiber and wings and tail of glass fiber (if this matters). The problem we are having is that abruptly one of the motor will slow down and one will overshoot and this would go on back and forth with, after some calibrations or firmware installations, all motors or sometimes a specific motor. Even on arming, the motors wont be on the throttle specified by Q_M_SPIN_ARM like it would be at 1500 PWM and then when you push the throttle, one of the motors wont even start to spin after like 50% throttle.

We have tried the following solutions:

  1. Changing the escs (tried simple Hobbywing 40A and dshots 150 BLHeli_S)
  2. change the autopilot (have tried 6c and 4x)
  3. changed the gps
  4. thrust tested the motors.
  5. Installed the quadrotor firmware to check if the issue is with plane firmware.

nothing is working out. I am attaching a video of the plane behaviour as well as the servo outputs.
We did check the logs and it showed that the imu reports no discrepancies but the pixhawk sends erratic values of pitch roll and yaw to the escs while the input is just throttle.

Blows are the links for vids:
Flight Test

I am also attaching the log files if that helps:

These logs are with dshots:

and these are with the normal escs:

I would really appreciate if anyone could help as I have to get this flying in the next 7 days.

Below are some specs too:
13 kg mtow
2.5m wing span
gartt ML5210 340 kv for vtol motors and Tmotor AM600 for cruise
8000 mah battery for quad and 9000 mah for cruise (all 6s)
all motors and escs were tested on a thrust bench for installation
Have used these flight controllers for simple quads and they work like a charm