Uncontrolled altitude in alt_hold and loiter

The Aux pins give you RPM information and nothing else, the RX pin will give you voltage, current and temperature data as well.

You want both.

No, not missing anything. Update the .zip file and correct them as much as possible. And do not forget reason changed this time.

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I don’t want to work at cross purposes here with @amilcarlucas but you don’t need to use Aux outputs for bi-directional Dshot, which you want whether you have serial ESC telemetry or not. If you leave them on the main outputs and use the parameters I posted you will have Bdshot supplied RPM. If you move them to the AUX outputs you would need to change the Bdshot bitmask.

Yes @dkemxr is right. When using the CubeOrangePlus-bdshot you should use the main outputs.

As @dkemxr suggested I changed BRD_IO_DSHOT=1 and MOT_PWM_TYPE=5(DSHOT300)
I am able to get DSHOT300 output on pin 1-4 but still I am not getting the RPM telemetry

What should I do now, and just asking for my confirmation on Status Tab in mission planner there is a message esc1_rpm, would I able to see a non zero value of esc1_rpm on arming if I am getting ESC telemetry properly or do I have to do a test flight and then I have to check the logs

Just need to arm it. If RPM information is present it should arm fine. If it is not present it will issue an error (if the ESC_MIN_RPM is configured correctly 07_esc.param with the configurator software)

What exact ESC is this?

I am using DYS Aria 60A 4in1 ESC DYS Aria 60A 4in1 ESC
Firmware is BL_Heli32 (BL 32.7)

If its TKOFF_RPM_MIN then it is set to 1000

Post a link to the latest .bin flight log after you made the parameter changes.

Please find the log file after changing the param, but I only armed and disarmed and didn’t performed flight
Log File

Set these:

Try again.

Ok I will try this and will revert here again

Hi @dkemxr , I changed the prams above but still not getting the ESC RPM below is the log file
I armed and then disarmed after some time

You set this back to 0

Set it to 15
And set LOG_DISARMED back to 0. You don’t need to create tons of files here.

I have set SERVO_BLH_BDMASK,15 but still not getting the ESC RPM

And the log file?