Uncontrolled altitude in alt_hold and loiter

Ok I will update here after every steps

Hi @amilcarlucas, as said earlier I am following excact steps of methodic configurator i wanted to as that i don’t have ESC Telemetry so what should I do in INS_HNTCH_MODE
I am at step 3.1
If log file of first flight needed please let me know

You need to read the documentation posted at the top of the configurator and adapt the parameter values for throttle based notch filtering instrad of telemetry

ok @amilcarlucas , just confirming means I have to set INS_HNTCH_MODE to Throttle insetad of ESC Telemerty and again get a log of flight with INS_HNTCH_MODE set to Throttle right ?

Yes, that is correct.

Hi @amilcarlucas, Good morning from India
Please review my first flight log once
when I am putting my log file in FilterReview tool it is saying “No tracking data available for Throttle notch” and showing only Altitude line even I have set all params as per the Methodic Configurator but I doubt it is not correct as I can’t see any Post-filters and I am confused now what to do next should I proceed to next step or is there any thing wrong I did FirstFlight Log

I know you are taking out time from your schedule and I am so thankful to you sir

I have sucessfully completed the step 3.1 Notch filter calibration and my graph on online Ardupilot Filter Review tool look like below

and after this I Uploaded the 19_notch_filter_results.param what the configurator told me as new values I didn’t changed anything manually

and next I uploaded the 20_throttle_controller.param as told by configurator

am I going correctly ?

I am on holidays and do not have access to a pc now. Can you wait?

@Janno can you take a look?

We are developing a commercial system and working fulltime on it It would be great if we can get assistance from experts like you

Hi @amilcarlucas , @Janno
I have completed the tuning process but still I am having problem in althold takeoff and if takeoff is not proper in althold that means it will cause issue in Loiter and Guided as well
I think my MOT_SPIN_ARM, MOT_SPIN_MIN and PSC_VELZ_P and PSC_POSZ_P is not set properly but I am not sure
I am again writing my problem
When I am taking off in althold mode my copter gets takeoff and starts acending even though I reposition my throttle stick to center it does not stops and holds the alt but If I takeoff in stabilize and then engange to althold It is working fine

Post both a .zip file with the vehicle files from the ArduPilot Methodic configurator and a .bin file from the flight log.

Please find the Logs and MethodicConfiguratorFiles both in .zip

Why are you using BDShot1200 instead of the recommended bdshot600?
If using BDShot1200 why not feeding the Notch filter with RPM information from the ESC?
If you are using a CubeOrange+ why are there multiple “Matek slim H473” strings in the “Reason changed” field?
why don’t you have a vehicle.jpg file?

And there are other issues as well.
LevitationS1.zip (450.4 KB)

No, I am using BDShot600 only and in the Reason Changed I didn’t changed the strings I left them as it is

So If I change BDShot to 600 will this fix my issue?

You do not have a single issue. You have multiple issues. Changing a single parameter will not solve them all.

Please look at all the changes I did, I corrected some more stuff now
LevitationS1.zip (449.9 KB)

And answer my questions above.

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Ok but by the time can you tell me how to solve this althold takeoff issue because I can see improvements in every other issues but not in this thats why I am worried about this particular problem

One need to solve one problem at the time, starting from the beginning. And then multiple problems will automatically disappear.

And answer this:

  1. if using BDShot1200 why not feeding the Notch filter with RPM information from the ESC?
  2. If you are using a CubeOrange+ why are there multiple “Matek slim H473” strings in the “Reason changed” field?
  3. why don’t you have a vehicle.jpg file?
  4. Have you seen the new file above?
  1. I am not using BDShot1200 thats why I am not feeding Notch Filter with RPM, If it is showing so I am immediately changing to BDShot600
  2. As reason change string has nothing to do with the actual params I didn’t changed those strings
  3. I don’t know why I don’t have vehicle.jpg file
  4. Yes I seen the files you sent me and Thanks a lot for that, I will change my current params with the files you given me
  1. I already changed it do dshot600
  2. You are running a commercial operation. You certainly need to certify your vehicle for it.
    Does the certification process in your country allow you to change parameters without explaining why you changed them and without demonstrating that you know what you are doing?
  3. please do add one.

Currently we are in R&D phase