Uncontrollable yaw in auto mode

I’ve tried flying today, and have observed that the drone goes into uncontrollable yaw during waypoint mission. What I observe is that the motor aren’t properly aligned, and have made that change now. What I also observe is that the motors aren’t rotating at same rpm, which also leads to this.

Can anyone assist me here in getting to the cause of this?

your help would be very much appreciated.

bin file

Yaw imbalance has been addressed in many forum threads.
Did you search for it?

Hi @amilcarlucas thanks for replying.
I have been reading some threads, but the issue seems different. Reading a few more now, this is helping me learn various causes to happen yaw imbalance. If I happen to solve I’ll post the solution myself here. Although I have made changes to my Quad, soft crash has made me more anxious in testing again.

Set these parameters:


Then go here and follow the instructions: Setting Motor Ranges

Then make another flight. You may still have a Yaw bias but you can’t advance with the output oscillation present now.

Thank you @dkemxr , I’ll make these changes and fly again.

Hi @dkemxr Thanks for the help, It’s flying good now, the problem was with both arms not being being vertical and compass calibration. My apologies for the delay, had to order parts and weather wasn’t great over the past 2 weeks, with these changes, drone is stable and the VibeZ has come down below 30.

Thanks for the support again.

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