Uncommanded Aggressive Pitch Oscillation - Hexa 3.5.5

Hi Everyone,

Up until my last two flights my 1.2m hexa has been flying quite nicely (Just reached about 80 hours flight time). It has now developed an aggressive pitch oscillation that periodically occurs. See the DesPitch vs Pitch below.

It looks to me like an intermittent hardware failure on one of the motors. CH5 seems to saturate on the lower end of its range in compensation, but I can’t pinpoint another channel that saturates on the higher end of the scale to indicate a failure.

I have also noticed intermittent compass errors, but they don’t seem to coincide with the pitch oscillations.

Any insight into what could be causing these oscillation would be greatly appreciated. There is a link to the log below.



It would be better to have the log file with the .bin extension