Unable to update Firmware


Looks like I installed an incorrect firmware, AntennaTracker v4.5.3 on my Pixhawk 1 by mistake, now when I tried to install the correct firmware, ArduCopter v4.5.3, the error message “ERROR: No response from board” is returned. I am using Mission Planner 1.3.81.

Please help me correct my error.


Use the STM32Cube Programmer, Loading Firmware onto boards without existing ArduPilot firmware — Copter documentation

Thanks for the quick reply.
Looks like I’ll have to remove the cover of the Pixhawk in order to put it into the DFU mode.

Try using QGroundControl to flash Ardupilot 1st.

I used the QGC app to install the correct firmware successfully. Thanks for all your help, much appreciated.