Unable to update firmware or connect to pixhawk 2.4.8

I recently brought Pixhawk PX4 PIX 2.4.8 32 Bit Flight Controller from aliexpress and am attempting to flash firmware. When I plug the Pixhawk into the computer I get a message saying its an unrecognized USB device. Mission planner will not update the firmwares saying itr cant find the device ID. Anyone know how to get windows ten to recognize the pixhawk ?
this is the pixhawk I bought. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33058886931.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.33093c00ySmzzj&mp=1

Ive found MissionPlanner to be reliable for firmware updates except in very specific situations that wont apply here. Maybe your antivirus is preventing the install or function of the device drivers. Try disabling AV. Try downloading latest MP again and reinstalling.
Try using QGroundControl and see what happens.

That Pixhawk 2.4.8 clone isnt a PX4 - PX4 is another type of firmware. Just so you know…

disabling virus software didnt help. still shows up in device manger as unknown usb device. Q ground control just says plug in your device. every time I plug it in I get the windows popup telling me that USB device not recognized.

Try this (lifted from The Cube firmware installation guide)

  • Disconnect flight controller from USB

  • Open Mission Planner

  • Press Control + F keys

  • In the ‘Temp’ window click ‘driver clean’

Next download the latest drivers from http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/MissionPlanner/driver.msi, Install then reboot the system.

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Got it. Mission planner now sees the pix hawk and I can update the firmware. Which leads me to aonther question which Platform would I choose. Im trying to use this in a rover. WHen I select Rover it asks for a platform. THis think came with no instructions and I have no idea what the platform is. Anyone know?

fmuv3 should be OK, or Pixhawk1 if there’s any issues.