I try to use the set_position_target_global_int message in guided mode.
The current height is 590970 and I send the following set_position_target_global_int message
type_mask = 0b0000111111111000;
coordinate_frame = MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT;
vx = 0.0f;
vy = 0.0f;
vz = 0.0f;
afx = 0.0f;
afy = 0.0f;
afz = 0.0f;
yaw = 0.0f;
yaw_rate = 0.0f
alt= 587780
With this setting sent at 10 Hz, the drone rises endlessly.
Funny thing is, if i set the target altitude to 587800, it goes down until hitting the ground.
Does anybody have an idea what the problem might be?