What if I create a new VM with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”. Is it going to work or chances are that the build of ArduPilot is going to break afterwards?
The errors I am getting are below:
E: Unable to locate package python2-dev
E: Unable to locate package python2-pip
E: Unable to locate package python2-setuptools
E: Unable to locate package python2-numpy
E: Unable to locate package python2-pyparsing
E: Unable to locate package python2-psutil
E: Unable to locate package python2-matplotlib
E: Unable to locate package python2-serial
E: Unable to locate package python2-scipy
E: Unable to locate package python2-opencv
E: Unable to locate package python2-yaml
If so, I wonder if trying on a VM is recommendable.
Perhaps you should look for python-wxgtk4.0 instead.
If you see references to python2 there must be something wrong or obsolete. You can try first a clean Ubuntu install on a pendrive or SSD, and build the environment there.
In order to make it work you will need to run this git submodule update --init --recursive before the install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh.
Somebody needs to update the docs to mention that Ubuntu 14.04 has problems and use 20.04 instead. There might be some other workaround, I went for the easy one as I am not familiar with Linux.