Unable to locate package python-wxgtk3.0

I am trying to create a build environment on a VM for Ardupilot in Ubuntu 14.04 LST and following the instructions as per https://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/setting-up-sitl-on-windows.html#setting-up-sitl-on-windows

I am at the point where I run this command

sudo apt-get install python-dev dos2unix python-wxgtk3.0 python-matplotlib python-opencv python-pip g++ gawk git ccache

and get the following error:

Unable to locate package python-wxgtk3.0.
Your version of Linux might not have the repository address that includes python-wxgtk3.0.

Thanks In advance,
PS I am new to Linux.

What if I create a new VM with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”. Is it going to work or chances are that the build of ArduPilot is going to break afterwards?

Also trying to run the script that installs the required packages as per this article Setting up the Build Environment (Linux/Ubuntu) also throws errors.

command Tools/environment_install/install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh -y

The errors I am getting are below:
E: Unable to locate package python2-dev
E: Unable to locate package python2-pip
E: Unable to locate package python2-setuptools
E: Unable to locate package python2-numpy
E: Unable to locate package python2-pyparsing
E: Unable to locate package python2-psutil
E: Unable to locate package python2-matplotlib
E: Unable to locate package python2-serial
E: Unable to locate package python2-scipy
E: Unable to locate package python2-opencv
E: Unable to locate package python2-yaml

If so, I wonder if trying on a VM is recommendable.
Perhaps you should look for python-wxgtk4.0 instead.
If you see references to python2 there must be something wrong or obsolete. You can try first a clean Ubuntu install on a pendrive or SSD, and build the environment there.

It is supported on a VM and actually I followed the instructions from the documentation here SITL on Windows in a VMWare VM (Manual Setup). BTW it was a brand new install.

Anyway, I will try to setup a Ubuntu 20.04 VM and try it there.


I managed to get it to compile on Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa” using the instructions from Setting up the Build Environment (Linux/Ubuntu).

In order to make it work you will need to run this git submodule update --init --recursive before the install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh.

Somebody needs to update the docs to mention that Ubuntu 14.04 has problems and use 20.04 instead. There might be some other workaround, I went for the easy one as I am not familiar with Linux.
